Posted in Ship Models

Boat Model Easy Kits: Get Started in Wooden Naval Modeling with the Ship Replicas from this New Collection

Surprise for all our modelers friends! Artesanía Latina has created a new collection of simply-to-assemble models: boat model Easy Kits. With paints, brush and glue as well as many accessories! It is aimed both at those who want to start in the world of naval modeling as those who want to build a miniature naval replica because their level of skill is still not enough for it due to it has more difficulty. Also, to those who need to accompany the large miniature of our catalog with its smaller sister. You can assemble a model in a couple of weekends. Of course, at least 14 years are required to be able to make these models for beginners. So let’s get to know the two new references that are currently in stock: French frigate Hermione La Fayette (17000) and Galic school ship Belem (17001).


We offer you the opportunity to assemble the so-called ‘Frigate of Freedom’, which helped the North American insurgents in their process of independence from the United Kingdom… Being a novice modeler since you are not qualified to assemble the advanced model (22517N). It is the first of the boat model easy kits that we show you on this post: Hermione La Fayette. The ship modeling kit is at 1:160 scale, has 120 parts and offers an extremely easy and fun assembly experience. Of course, it is officially accredited by the Association Hermione La Fayette.

Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Frigate Hermione La Fayette by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17000).

The Easy Kit Hermione La Fayette box contains all the necessary parts to build the model. They are new parts of wood cut by high precision laser that allow an extraordinary fit, so the assembly process is very pleasant. In addition, it contains printed sails, cotton threads, a lifeboat, cannons, stickers, flags, glue, paints and a brush.

Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Frigate Hermione La Fayette by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17000).

For its assembly, it has very simple and intuitive step-by-step instructions on video made by our modelers. The kit does not include printed instructions or plans. In order to see the instructions, just Just scan the QR code that comes in the box, which will take you directly to our Youtube channel. As if it were an exclusive masterclass for you.

Once it is finished, the Hermione La Fayette Easy Model Kit measures 16.14” (410 mm) length, 12.59” (320 mm) height and 5.51” (140 mm) width.

Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Frigate Hermione La Fayette by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17000). Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Frigate Hermione La Fayette by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17000). Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Frigate Hermione La Fayette by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17000).


The second of the boat model Easy Kits that the modeler friend of Artesanía Latina can assemble is the beautiful French training ship Belem, the last French three-masted ship, the oldest three-masted sailing ship in Europe and the second largest sailing ship remaining in France. Are you still not ready to assemble our advanced model (22519)? This is the wooden ship modeling kit that you must have in your modeling workshop. At 1:160 scale, with 120 parts and assembly experience you’ll love. Like the previous model, it has the official accreditation of the Foundation Belem.

Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Training Ship Belem by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17001).

As for the contents of the box, it has all the necessary parts to build the model, 120 too as in the previous kit. They are parts of original and new design cut by high precision laser, thus making it easier for everything to fit together perfectly during the construction process. In addition, it contains printed sails, threads, lifeboats, stickers, flags, glue, paints and a brush.

Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Training Ship Belem by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17001).

The assembly process? As it is one of the boat model easy kits, it has very simple and intuitive step-by-step instructions on video made by our modelers. The kit does not include printed instructions or plans. If you want to watch the instructions, scan the QR code of the box, which will direct you to our Youtube channel.

When the building is finished, the model of the Easy Kit Belem measures 12.99” (330 mm) length, 7.95” (202 mm) height and 3.97” (101 mm) width.

Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Training Ship Belem by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17001). Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Training Ship Belem by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17001). Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Training Ship Belem by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17001). Boat Model Easy Kits: Wooden French Training Ship Belem by Artesanía Latina. Beginner Level (17001).

Without any doubt, it is a way to get started in naval modeling. Much more entertaining: the boat model Easy Kits. Now, you can assemble the two miniature replicas: the little sister… And the older one!

Wooden Ship Models: French Frigate Hermione La Fayette by Artesanía Latina. Beginner (17000) and Advanced (22517-N) levels. Wooden Ship Models: Belem French School Ship of Artesanía Latina. Beginner (17001) and Advanced (22519) levels.


Posted in Naval & Aviation History

History of the Belem Training Ship: The French Navigable Monument is 125 years

The French Training Ship Belem celebrates this 2021 one hundred and twenty-five years of history. It was launched in 1896 with a steel hull at the Dubigeon shipyard in Nantes for a purely commercial use between France and Brazil and the Indies for the transport of goods such as sugar or cocoa. To commemorate this important date, what better way to talk about its life, also full of great importance.

History of the Belem Training Ship. The French Sailboat, Docked in Port.

First, we must highlight the enormous measures of the Belem training ship. The boat is 51 meters length, not counting the 7 meters of the bowsprit, by 8.80 meters of maximum beam. In addition, it has three large masts 58 meters height.

The French Sailboat, Docked in Port.

Thanks to the efforts and money of its various owners, the Gallic ship is currently the last three-masted sailing ship to sail in all of Europe. In addition, it is the most precious jewel of the naval heritage of France. In this sense, the Belem received the classification of Historical Monument on February 27, 1984.

History of the Belem Training Ship. The French Sailboat, Docked in Port.

Throughout its history, the Belem school ship has suffered many mishaps and inconveniences, as happens with almost all old ships that still ply the waters of the Earth. This long-lived cargo sailboat passed alternately by English, Italian and again French hands.

With the successive implantation of the steamship, the sailboats of maritime routes gradually disappeared. In 1914 it happened to the Belem when it was acquired by the Duke of Westminster, who decided to transform the ship into an excellent leisure boat. Curiously, it had to be docked on the English Isle of Wight for several years because of the bloody World War I.


At the beginning of the 20s of the last century, another lover of the Belem school ship, in this case, Arthur Ernest Guinness, bought the three-masted sailboat and went around the world with his whole family. As mentioned previously, the French ship also passed through Italian hands since 1951, establishing itself as the Italian training ship.

Real image of the command post of the French Belem School Ship.

The Belem was motorized and renamed for various uses – luxury cruise and training ship. Finally, he was discovered by chance in Venice in a sorry state in the late 1970s by a nostalgic hobbyist.

Purchased with the support of a large French bank, the sailboat returned to its native country in 1979. The bank financed the Belem Foundation, which began its restoration. Currently, the Belem training ship is now converted to cabotage as it offers introductory and discovery courses for enthusiasts. It is destined for the French Navy for the training of its cabin boys, appearing also in the great meetings of traditional sailboats.The last works carried out have been the restoration of the furniture with mahogany wood from Cuba.

Live the passion for history and naval modeling with the fantastic model of the French training ship Belem 1/75. A museum jewel for your eyes!Naval modeling. Belem French Training Ship Model at 1/75 scale (22519).

Click here to read the post about the model…

Posted in Ship Models

Belem Training Ship Model. 1:75 Faithful Wooden Replica of the French Boat

Artesania Latina’s modelers have created a spectacular wooden ship model. It is a faithful miniature wooden replica of the oldest three-masted sailing ship on the planet, which still sails the seas today: the Belem Training Ship Model at 1:75 scale.

The great French ship, destined to the learning of the new Gallic sailors, is beauty. It is also majesty and the history of world navigation. 125 years of history endorse it as a world nautical reference.

For just over a year, our model makers have put all their effort and knowledge into naval modeling so that the Belem training ship model from France is identical to the original boat. That is why the Belem Foundation has formally accredited the design and commercialization of the scale model of the French ship.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).


The level of detail work is astonishingly high on this 1/75 scale modeling kit. In this sense, the Belem wooden scale model is aimed at advanced level modelers, the one before the expert. The level of difficulty in its assembly and in the knowledge of the necessary tools for this is located at 3 of the 4 existing.

The objective of Artesania Latina with this fantastic wooden reproduction is that our faithful friends modellers from all over the world enjoy its construction. It has more than 1,300 pieces in wood and metal.

When the modeler finishes assembling the model kit for this boat, the wooden model measures 31.73” (806 mm) length, 10.07” (256 mm) width and 21.25” (540 mm) height. That is, it can preside over any room given its large size and beauty.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).


Among the contents, the presence of laser cut board to different thicknesses, slats and rods of birch wood, linden veneer, chemical cuttings in steel and in brass and cast parts stand out.

In addition, to emphasize the realism of the Belem training ship model, decals are included for the details of the hull such as the depth marks or the name of the ship itself. Also, cotton cloth sails identical to the originals and ready to be placed and cotton thread for the rigging.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).

To all this is added a very important gift for the exhibition of this naval scale model at home or in the office when the modeler finishes building it. The wooden base is essential.

One of the most impressive buildable parts of the Belem training ship model at 1/75 scale is its bow winch. The thirty parts you need to assemble is an accurate reflection of the level of detail in the design of the Gallic scale model.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).

Here you can see even more precisely the impressive winch of the Belem training ship model.

In this video you can see which are the components of the Belem naval modeling kit with greater precision.


But before exposing it, of course, you have to build the model of the Belem school ship. For this, the Artesania Latina‘s modelers have designed the best step-by-step instructions in color. With around 1,500 images and video tutorials in DVD format!

The DVD also includes a magnificent digital poster of the 1/1 scale model of the French ship.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).

We care about being up-to-date with digital times. At the same time, we preserve forests in these times when taking care of our planet has become a priority objective for Humanity.

The modeler can easily enlarge digital instructions on his computer or tablet, accurately view even the smallest detail. In this way, we combine modernity with tradition, helping and encouraging new generations of modelers to join this wonderful hobby.

The model maker has a specific set of paints and finishes to paint the boat. It is for sale separately and facilitates the painting of the Belem training ship model at 1/75 scale made of wood.

Ship modeling. Paints and Finishes for 1/75 scale Belem Training School Ship Model (22519).You can also purchase the Belem Gift Pack (22519L), which includes the model, its paints and some tools.

Gift Pack of French Training Ship Model Belem (22519) by Artesanía Latina.

Read the post about the history of Belem here…