Posted in Ship Models

Naval Modeling for Experts: The Challenge of the Most Beautiful Wooden Ship Models on Market

We update this post aimed at showing the naval modeling kits for experts from Artesanía Latina with our latest and spectacular novelty: the Santísima Trinidad (22901). We are continually expanding the catalog of this level of difficulty to offer the greatest and most beautiful challenges. Small works of art designed for our modeler friends with the highest level of skills and abilities in this passionate hobby. For those who build most difficult wooden ship models.

If they are capable of assembling a naval scale model of this article, there is no doubt, they are master model makers. They have already surpassed levels of knowledge and skills in naval modeling such as initiation, intermediate and advanced. Below, all our naval miniatures so that the elite of this hobby can know them. We start, of course, with the recent incorporation of the Spanish ship of the line Santísima Trinidad.


It is our newest addition to our fleet of expert naval modeling kits. It has been with you since September 2023. And it is a… Absolute and gigantic beauty! We are talking about the wooden model of the Spanish Ship of the Line Santísima Trinidad Trafalgar 1805 Edition at 1:84 scale. It is the flagship of the Spanish Navy, the largest of its time, the largest weapon of war with 144 cannons of the 17th and 18th centuries. It is known as the ‘Escorial of the Seas’. She was one of the few four-decker ships of the line that existed. Unfortunately, her fate was fatal in the Battle of Trafalgar, so she sank.

Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina.

The naval modeling kit of the Spanish ship of the line Santísima Trinidad -read the model post here- it is incredible in terms of decoration details. Hundreds of high quality parts: 14 sheets of basswood plywood and 6 spectacular photo-etched sheets in brass with parts such as lanterns, railings or details of the cannons. Also, 10 packs of strips and rods, and American oak veneer. With the huge amount of 18 cotton sewn sails ready to be placed. As gifts, exhibition base for display and a set of 5 figurines.

For its assembly, you have a QR code that, when you scan it with your mobile, takes you to the product sheet, where you can download for free the instructions, which are completely redesigned: clarifying step-by-step photographs – more than 800 pages in digital format, not on paper -, in addition to 10 demonstration videos -click here to watch them- with some of the most important steps. Printed instructions not available. Once assembled, it measures 46.88” (1191 mm) length, 35.63” (905 mm) height and 18.26” (464 mm) width.

Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina. Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina. Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina. Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina.


The second wooden ship model that we propose that expert modelers build… It is another fantastic novelty for this year 2021! The 1/72 scale model of one of the pink diamonds of naval modeling, built and launched in the 17th century by order of the French King Louis XIV. The majestic Gallic warship Soleil Royal is your new challenge. This famous ship of the line with 104 guns was born between 1668 and 1670 in Brest thanks to the engineer Laurent Hubac.

Interestingly, it remained unused in the port of that town for a long time. It sailed the seas again during the Nine Years’ War in 1688, already with 112 guns and 1,200 crewmen. Its role was essential as the flagship of the Escadre du Pont (Squadron of the West) and Admiral Tourville. Its baroque decoration is simply one of the most beautiful and spectacular of the time.

Naval modeling for experts. Wooden ship model French Warship Soleil Royal (22904).

The naval modeling kit for expert modelers with the Soleil Royal warship -read the model post here- is one of the most detailed ever. Hundreds of high precision laser cut plywood and solid wood parts are available. Also many castings in die-cast and photo-etched, not forgetting the magnificent cotton sails sewn by hand ready to be placed. It is a Premium model that also brings as a gift the stand for display and a set of 12 figurines. It contains our comprehensive step-by-step instructions, accompanied by highly accurate video tutorials. All on DVD format. Once assembled, the scale model measures 36.81” (935mm) long x 11.22” (285mm) wide x 34.44” (875mm) high.


The third wooden ship model that we show you is a novelty arriving in autumn 2022. The 1:84 scale model of the Spanish ship of the line Santa Ana is one of the most demanded ships for years by our client friends. It’s here! It is a true jewel of naval modeling for expert modelers, now presented on the limited edition Trafalgar 1805. It was fundamental, precisely, in the battle that bears the same name against the English, although it was launched at the end of the 18th century.

This marvelous vessel with three decks was part of a series of ships called Meregildos, the Santa Ana was the pioneer. It had 112 guns, although more were added later along with other weapons. It was one of the banners of the Spanish Armada, but it sank in Havana when trying to hide the French.

Naval Modeling for Experts: Spanish Ship of the Line Santa Ana Trafalgar Edition 1805 (22905-N) by Artesania Latina.

The Santa Ana -read the model post here- modeling kit box contains high-quality parts such as solid wood and precision laser-cut lime plywood, brass photo-etched sheet with parts such as the lanterns, railings or details of the cannons, sails with cotton fabric -ready to be placed-, cotton threads and, as a gift so that the model is perfectly exposed, as a work of art that it is, a base in wood with name metal plate. To assemble it, you need our step-by-step instructions on DVD format. Once it is built, Santa Ana measures 46.45” (1180 mm) length, 34.25” (870 mm) height and 18.11” (460 mm) width.


The fourth wooden model ship that we urge expert modelers to build… It’s new in 2021! The 1/65 scale model of a jewel of naval modeling created in the 17th century: the Swedish bronze warship with 64 guns called Vasa, which is part of the naval history of your country, Europe and the planet: it sank within a kilometer of being launched in 1628 after an economic outlay and use of enormous natural resources by King Gustav II, who wanted the ship to participate in the Thirty Years’ War. It was the most powerful of its time until the US Constitution frigate appeared.

Wooden ship model for expert modelers Swedish Warship Vasa (22902).

The Vasa Swedish warship modeling kit -read the model post here- is one of the most detailed in history on the market, it has a large number of sculptures on its stern and bow. The expert modeler will find a large set of decorative parts in die-cast and photo-etched and Premium quality wood pieces. Of course, hand-sewn sails ready to be placed, multimedia instructions in nine languages and… Two gifts included! A wooden base with a metal name plate and six figures that will give this naval jewel even more realism than it would have without them. Very detailed step-by-step instructions and video tutorials, all on DVD format.

Once it is built, the Vasa wooden ship model has these dimensions: Long 42.12” (1070 mm) x Wide 15.74” (400 mm) x High 34.25” (870 mm).


The fifth proposal that we make of a naval modeling for experts kit is the wooden model ship of the well-known British tea clipper Cutty Sark, at 1/84 scale. It was one of the fastest vessels during the 19th century on its many voyages to the East. The Cutty Sark was dedicated in the early days after its launch in 1869 to the tea race. He tried to unite China and London in the shortest time possible for eight ‘tea seasons’. Later, he took on another role, in this case on the wool trade from Australia. Later he assumed the transport of goods between Porto, Rio de Janeiro, New Orleans, Lisbon and the Portuguese colonies. It was operational until 1954, the year in which it was decided to exhibit as a museum ship.

Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Tea Clipper Cutty Sark (22800).

The British Cutty Sark Tea Clipper naval modeling kit for experts features high precision laser cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and fabric. For the assembly you can follow our complete step-by-step guide in 7 languages ​​and in full color, accompanied by the full-scale plans of the finished ship. All on DVD format. Once built, the model measures 40.62” (1032mm) long x 13.77” (350mm) wide x 24.56” (624mm) high.


The sixth alternative of naval modeling for experts is the wooden ship model of the 18th century British merchant vessel HMS Bounty, 1/48 scale model. This boat was the scene of one of the most famous riots in history. In 1787, the HMS Bounty left England for Tahiti to transport breadfruit trees to the Caribbean, encountering a great storm that forced them to change course, and to land and stay in Tahiti for several months. The crew got used to life with the natives and mingled with their women, until in 1789 they sailed again, but 24 days later they mutinied.

Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Frigate HMS Bounty (22810).

Naval modeling kit for experts of the HMS Bounty merchant vessel composed of parts of high precision laser cut board. In addition, it has noble woods such as birch, brass, cast iron, fabric, cotton threads, hand-sewn candles ready to be placed … And most importantly! For the assembly of the scale model you will have our complete step-by-step instructions in four languages ​​in full color, accompanied by the real-scale drawings of the completed ship. All on DVD format. As a differential fact of this scale model, the HMS Bounty boat allows one of the hull bands to be left open to see its interior precisely. When the scale model is finished, it measures 35.58” (980mm) long x 13.97” (355mm) wide x 30.03” (763mm) high.


The seventh option for the expert modeler with a high level of knowledge and skills in building wooden model ships is the American frigate USS Constellation, a 1/85 scale model of the US Navy. He had to develop numerous and different activities during all the years in which he was on duty. The frigate was built at the end of the 18th century, specifically, in 1797 in Baltimore. It served to seize many ships, prevent the British from annexing the Hawaiian Islands in 1843, and for the United States to arrive in China for the first time a year earlier. From 1845 to 1849, he was in charge of transporting food to Ireland to fight the potato famine. In 1871 it would become a naval training ship. Today it is a beautiful museum ship that can be visited.

Naval modeling kit for expert modelers with a wooden ship model US Constellation Frigate (22850).

The ship model of the USS Constellation frigate features high precision laser cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and sewn cotton sails ready to be laid. Contains our comprehensive step-by-step instructions in five languages, accompanied by full-scale plans of the completed ship. All on DVD format. After building, the model measures 40.74” (1035mm) long x 12.99” (330mm) wide x 27.95” (710mm) high.


What is the eighth expert naval modeling kit we showcased? A legend in Spanish naval history, the 1/90 scale wooden model of the Spanish online ship with 74 cannons San Juan de Nepomuceno, from the 18th century. He was part of the Spanish Armada between 1766 and 1805. He was captured in Trafalgar by the British and transferred to Gibraltar, although he represents a beautiful demonstration of the heroism and bravery of the Iberians in the battle that took place on the coasts of the province of Cádiz.

Wooden ship model San Juan de Nepomuceno Onlie Warship (22860).

The model boat kit of the San Juan de Nepomuceno warship has parts of high precision laser cut board, noble woods, brass, cast iron and fabric. Contains our comprehensive step-by-step instructions in four languages, accompanied by full-scale plans of the completed ship. All on DVD format. Once assembled, the scale model measures 37.79” (960mm) length x 15.74” (400mm) width x 29.52” (750mm) height.

Posted in Model Building Tips

How to Paint Figurines for Model Ships: Video Masterclass Made by Our Modelers to Teach the Process

The metal figurines made by Artesanía Latina provide great realism to the wooden model ships where they are placed. They are the icing on the cake when the modeler has finished assembling any model on a naval scale. Currently, we have a wide assortment with different sets and crews sold individually that will be further expanded in the future. In this sense, many of our modelers friends have asked us on numerous occasions how to paint the figurines of the models. Well then, we are going to explain the process through a video tutorial made by our team of professional modelers.

Metal Figurines for Model Ships made by Artesanía Latina.

But, first of all, we must remind you that, if necessary, you have to assemble or glue the two parts with which any of the figurines are formed. To do this, we strongly recommend that you use any of the cyanoacrylates from Artesanía Latina -sold separately- to obtain an optimal result -with the spray accelerator drying is faster-. If you wish, you can apply the glue with one of the two adhesive applicators included in the Set of Micro Saws, Applicators and Scriber (27302), for sale separately.

Let’s start painting the figurines thanks to the fantastic video masterclass of our professionals, for which you have to prepare them first.


We start the explanation of how to paint figurines for model ships. Grab a Round Diamond File (27015-3) to remove mold lines and marks. File the entire profile of the figure, since it is the place where it is inserted and glued to the mold where it is stored.

How to Paint Figurines for Model Ships: Filing of Excess Mold.

Now, prepare the surface of any object you don’t need -for example, an unused compact disc or DVD- a quick putty. To do this, mix dense cyanoacrylate with talcum powder. Help yourself, for example, from the applicator to mix both products once they are applied. Apply that mix also with the applicator all over the figurine.

How to Paint Figurines for Model Ships: Quick Putty Application..

The next step is to create a base thanks to our Support for Painting Scale Model Figures (27640), where you can place the figurine so you don’t touch it while preparing and painting it. Take or create a round and a cylindrical part, both of wood. Put cyano in the center of the round piece and glue the cylindrical piece right in the center of the circle, where the adhesive is. Next, glue, again with cyano, the feet of the figurine to the cylinder.

How to Paint Figurines for Model Ships: Creation of Work Support. How to Paint Figurines for Model Ships: Creation of Work Support.

The last phase of the preparation prior to showing you how to paint figurines for model ships. It is time to apply a light layer of white primer (27701) using any of our high quality synthetic hair brushes.

Application of White Primer Layer.


Before starting with the explanation of the video on how to paint figurines for model ships, we offer you two sets of acrylic paints for figurines -for sale separately-, choose according to your needs. On the one hand, there is the Basic Set (277PACK14), with 6 paint jars of 20 ml. each with the following colors: Off White, Off Black, Royal Blue, Deep Yellow, Vermilion and Basic Skin. On the other, the Advanced Set (277PACK15), with 12 jars: Off White, Off Black, Bright Red, Ice Yellow, Cocoa Brown, Dark Red Leather, Aluminum, Gold, Navy Blue, Bright Green, Basic Skin and Sunny Skin.

Paints Set for Figurines -Basic- (277PACK14) by Artesanía Latina.

Paints Set for Figurines -Advanced- (277PACK15) by Artesanía Latina.

Of course, you can also purchase the colors you require from our extensive catalog of single acrylic paints with over thirty different colors… which ones do you like best?


We will detail in advance how to paint figurines for model ships. First, paint all the visible parts of the character’s skin with a round brush and an basic skin color (27770). Right after, apply a general eyeshadow with a slightly darker tone diluted in water –sunny skin (27771)-.

Base Skin Color Application.

Now, on a palette or other surface, you must have the color cocoa (27741). Add a bit of diluent (27700) -put it with a syringe to dose- and mix it with it. Remove excess paint and sharpen the tip of the bristles of the brush by painting on a piece of paper. Paint the flesh parts of the character as a hard shadow, also outlining the color. Repeat the process on the lighter parts, first, on the rest of the character as a whole -especially on his clothes-.

Shadow application.

The moment has come when you have to paint the clothes with his colors and their details. We recommend that if the character is wearing multiple garments, one on top of the other, paint the outermost layer first. All you have to do is look at the video of our modeler to appreciate the rest of the painting, already to the taste of the fan. Here is the final result.

Ship Model Figurines: Final Result. Ship Model Figurines: Final Result.

Once you know how to paint figurines for ship models, we encourage you to purchase any of our metal figurines presented in sets and individually currently on our catalog: Caravels and Galleons (22411F), Hermione La Fayette (22517F), King of the Mississippi (20515F) and HMS Endeavour (22520F).

Figurines en Metal para Maquetas de Barco de Artesanía Latina.

Long live naval modelling!

Posted in Ship Models

Initiation to Naval Modeling: Wooden Ship Models for Beginners

Many times, beginners on ship modeling go to Artesania Latina to guide them when it comes the moment to build their first wooden ship models. We are going to show on these two posts the initiation to naval modeling with the products that a new ship modeler can create from our catalog.


We start with the wooden model of San Juan Nepomuceno captain’s boat for its construction. This boat belonged to the line ship of the 74-cannon line, and we present its 1/25 scale miniature. From the 17th century, it would be part of the well-known Battle of Trafalgar, which Spaniards lost against English navy with Churruca in command, so it was towed and exposed in Gibraltar. Anyone who boarded the ship and entered the captain’s cabin should discover the head as a sign of absolute respect, showing the great relevance of the aforementioned ship.

This fabulous wooden ship model of San Juan Nepomuceno captain’s boat is built very similar to the real boat thanks to its design using a false keel and frames. This ship modeling kit contains precisely cut board parts by means of a laser, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and fabric. It also has instructions for its assembly on DVD format. Once built, San Juan Nepomuceno Captain’s boat model measures 15.94” x 7.48” x 14.37” (405 x 190 x 365 mm).

Initiation to Naval Modeling: San Juan Nepomuceno Captain's Boat Wooden Model (18010).


We continue with the renewed wooden ship model at 1/75 scale of the Viking ship. This scale model was the pioneer made by Artesania Latina’s and it was aimed to beginners modelers two decades ago. But now we have redesigned it with the latest 3D techniques! Viking is a scale model with history. Not only is it designed for newbies, but also for those expert ship modelers who want to enjoy building a really beautiful and emblematic ship model.

The Viking ship modeling kit includes all the parts of its hull cut by laser on top-quality linden board, wooden and metal decorations (like the two dragon heads), pre-stitched sail ready to be placed, and a stand and a plate. Its assembly is precise and pleasant. The new Viking includes a DVD for computer or laptop -PC or Mac- with clarifying step-by-step instructions and with tutorial videos where we show various modeling techniques and tricks that cannot be taught in a printed version. Once finished, the model is 11.53’’ (293 mm) length, 10.82’’ (275 mm) height and 14.2’’ (360 mm) width.

Initiation to Naval Modeling: Viking Ship Wooden Model (19001N).


Our third proposition for beginners modelers is the Jolly boat wooden model of the great British ship of the 18th century HMS Bounty. Precisely, William Bligh fled with 18 loyal sailors after the riot of his crew on this small boat. In 1787 the HMS Bounty frigate left for the Caribbean in order to transport breadfruit, but the fatal climatic conditions forced them to land in Haiti, where many of the English sailors mixed with the island natives.

Its building system by means of false keel and frames, like the great majority of the scale models of Artesania Latina’s ships, brings its design closer to that of the real ship. The ship modeling kit of the HMS Bounty Jolly boat contains high-precision laser-cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and cotton sails. As a bonus, it contains an wooden exhibition base to be assembled. Its construction is easy thanks to our complete step-by-step instructions on DVD format, accompanied by printed full-scale drawings of the completed model and parts list. Once it is built, HMS Bounty Jolly Boat model measures 16.33” x 13.38” x 14.29” (415 x 340 x 363 mm).

Initiation to Naval Modeling: HMS Bounty Jolly Boat Model (19004-N).


The fourth option for assembly aimed at novice modelers is the wooden model of the French fishing boat –it was fishing scallops- called Bon Retour, at 1/25 scale, which was used until 1980. Built in 1952 at the shipyards Tertu du Fret, in 1982 Guy Le Cornec undertook its restoration. Currently, the TUD AR MOR association manages the ship with the objective of preserving marine culture.

The ship modeling kit of Bon Retour, the French fishing boat, has an easy assembly thanks to its false keel and frames, which brings the construction of its model closer to that of the real ship. It has high precision laser-cut board parts, noble woods, brass, cast iron and fabric, as well as a complete step-by-step guide in four languages ​​and in full color, accompanied by the full-scale drawings of the finished model. Everything on DVD format. Once built, Bon Retour fishing ship model measures 15.55” x 4.05” x 14.60” (395 x 103 x 371 mm).

Initiation to Naval Modeling: Fishing Ship Model Bon Retour (19007).


The sixth proposal is Saint Malo: it is a type of boat called Doris, and specifically this is French. The 1/20 scale wooden model of this fishing ship, from Canadian origin and from the end of the 19th century, is dedicated to catching cod in Newfoundland banks. It was used to fish long ago in Massachusetts and New Scotland, being introduced in France, Spain and Portugal later. Because of their solvency and solidity, of being cheap and their ease of stowage, the Doris continued to be used as workboats on sailboats and many other motor boats.

It is another fantastic wooden ship model for new modelers to start on this beautiful hobby. Like everyone else, its simple construction system and its simple sail make it easy to assemble, it is beautiful the Saint Malo model ship kit. The modeling kit of this French fishing vessel contains high-precision laser-cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and cotton sails. As a bonus, it brings a wooden exhibition base to be built. If you want to assemble the model, watch the video tutorials made by our modelers on our YouTube channel. It does not contain printed instructions. The kit comes with a printed plan of the finished model and a list of parts. Once built, Saint Malo fishing ship model measures 13.58” x 3.54” x 8.66” (345 x 90 x 220 mm).

Fishing Boat Model Saint Malo (19010-N).


The sixth alternative for those fans who intend to start in the ship modeling hobby is the 1/50 scale wooden ship model of Santisima Trinidad captain’s boat for its construction. Once finished, the scale model is 14.96’’ (380 mm) length, 3.35’’ (85 mm) width and 9.25’’ (235 mm) height.

The Santisima Trinidad or Holy Trinity (officially Our Lady of the Holy Trinity) was a Spanish ship. It was the largest during the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century. It had 120 guns at the beginning, which were later expanded to 140. The Santisima Trinidad was one of the few ships of line of four bridges that existed. Symbol of the power of Spain on the seas, this ship had a tragic end. Firstly, It was defeated on the Battle of Trafalgar. Secondly, it sank when it was towed to Gibraltar by the English.

The modeling kit of Santisima Trinidad captain’s boat is also very easy to build, its assembly is close to the real ship one. It has high precision laser cut board parts, noble woods, brass, cast iron and sails ready to be placed, as well as complete step-by-step instructions on DVD format.

Santisima Trinidad Captain's Boat Wooden Model (19014).


The seventh option for beginners friends of ship modeling is the 1/50 scale wooden model of the HMS Endeavour captain’s boat, renewed in 2022. The English ship HMS Endeavour, launched in the second half of the 18th century, was in charge of discovering new territories such as Australia and Tahiti. In addition to numerous islands, plant and animal species, and how to calculate with great accuracy the position in length by the maths.

The modeling kit of the HMS Endeavour captain’s boat features high-precision laser-cut board parts, noble woods such as birch, hand-stitched sails and cotton threads. It also brings a base stand for boat exposure once is finished, brass, cast and woven parts. You can build it thanks to our complete step-by-step guide in full color, accompanied by the full-scale drawings of the finished model. Both on DVD format. Once built, HMS Endeavour captain’s boat model measures 16.53” x 3.54” x 10.62” (420 x 90 x 270 mm).

Initiation to Naval Modeling: HMS Endeavour New Captain's Boat Wooden Model (19005).

Next week we will continue with a new and final post about the catalog of ship models for beginners. The initiation to naval modeling has two names: yours and Artesania Latina.

Read the second part of the post…