Posted in Ship Models

HMS Supply Model Ship Kit, First Fleet 1797: The Fastest Boat that Conquered Australia Now at 1:50 Scale

It was one of the most successful reduced replicas for our modelers friends for many years and… Surprise! The splendid reissue of the 1:50 scale model ship of the Brig HMS Supply (22420), First Fleet 1797 edition is here. This faithful wooden model of the 18th century British ship perfectly represents the aforementioned legendary armed ship since it participated in the founding of Australia as a country establishing a colony. It was the fastest of the well-known First Fleet. Aimed at intermediate modelers, also highly recommended for those with higher skills. Everyone will love building it! Find out how beautiful model on the video below:


Build your 1:50 scale model ship of HMS Supply, an English armed brigantine sailing boat from the 18th century. A fundamental jewel for naval modeling. Its assembly system using a false keel and frames brings its construction closer to that of the real ship.

HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina.

HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina.

This reissue of the model ship kit with HMS Supply brig contains high quality parts. 6 wooden plates cut by high precision laser, 2 photo-etched plates in brass with numerous details -one of them smaller-, set of birch wood parts -veneers, strips and round rods, oak veneer, fantastic set of 11 sails sewn from cotton ready to be placed, cotton threads for rigging in different colors and thicknesses and flags.

HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina.

The HMS Supply model ship box comes with thread and brass rods, nails, eyebolts, rings, chain, aluminum parts, die cast parts -anchors, oars, rods, cannons, water pumps-, wooden parts -blocks, frames and beams-, turned parts and acetate.

Likewise, it includes as a gift bonus an exhibition stand with a nominative metal plate – it allows you to place both the boat and its boat -, 7figures in die-cast and copper lining for the hull. To work with copper on the boat, we recommend our 5 mm Micro Riveting Tool (27320), sold separately.

HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina.


For its assembly, you can follow our complete step-by-step guide entirely on video – very easy to follow – which you can watch for free at our Youtube channel -click here-. To do this, you can also scan the existing QR code on the box and on the parts list. It will be like a masterclass carried out by our professional modelers. The kit does not contain printed instructions.

The plan and the parts list are printed.

Plan of HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina. Parts List of HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina.

A paper template is included to help the modeler in the process of building the model. Once built, this faithful miniature replica measures 23.11” (587 mm) length, 11.10” (282 mm) width and 26.65” (677 mm) height.

HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina. HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina.


Complete your wooden model ship of this beautiful ship by obtaining the best finishes for your HMS Supply at 1/50 scale by painting it with the Specific Set of Paints for HMS Supply (277PACK7), sold separately.

Specific Set of Paints for HMS Supply (277PACK7) by Artesanía Latina. HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina.

Also, remember that, as the boat is prepared to be illuminated, the model can come to even more life with the installation of our Set of LED Lighting for Models and DIY Projects (27590), also available separately.

LED Lightning Set for Scale Models and DIY Projects (27590) by Artesanía Latina.


Discover HMS Supply, a wooden model ship of the English armed brigantine sailing boat from the 18th century. It was an essential part of the so-called First Fleet of the Royal Navy that colonized and founded Australia. HMS Supply was their oldest, smallest and fastest ship. Built in 1759 as a 175-ton armed vessel, she became the colony’s only link to the outside world after the loss of HMS Sirius in 1790. HMS Supply, precisely, was intended to be aship support for HMS Sirius(1786).

The HMS Supply was a brigantine, that is, a ship that had two masts and square sails. In addition, it was also a sloop, that is, a small ship with a single gun deck. It had eight small three-pounder guns and carried 50 men. Its dimensions were 21 meters -70 feet- in length and 8 meters -26 feet- in width.

From 1759 to 1786, HMS Supply was used to transport naval supplies between Thames and English Channel ports. During this period, she was docked at Deptford Dockyard. There she underwent minor repairs as necessary to maintain her seaworthiness.

On May 13, 1787, the ‘First Fleet’ left Plymouth – England – heading towards the antipodes. Under the command of Commodore Arthur Philip, the convoy was made up of 11 ships, carrying 1,500 sailors and officers with their families, as well as 732 convicts. They were heading to the great land of the south to establish the penal colony of New South Wales – a coast previously explored by James Cook. It would later become the first state of the Australian Commonwealth.


On January 19, 1788, eight months and a week later, the fleet arrived at Botany Bay, with HMS Supply being the first to dock. On January 26, 1788, seven days later, everyone arrived at Port Jackson – the future Port of Sydney -. Philip landed to proclaim Australia’s first national day and become the new nation’s first governor. The 168-ton HMS Supply was the fastest sailing ship in the ‘First Fleet’ and served as explorer and messenger during the voyage. HMS Supply rivals Sirius as the most famous historic ship of the new Australian nation. On 26 November 1791, she left Port Jackson and sailed via Cape Horn, arriving at Plymouth on 21 April 1792.

Now, you have the great opportunity to build this great 1:50 scale model ship of the HMS Supply First Fleet 1787 (22420) on our new Modeling Workshop (27648-N), sold separately.

HMS Supply Model Ship Kit in Wood, First Fleet Edition 1787 (22420) by Artesanía Latina.

Posted in Ship Models

Naval Modeling for Experts: The Challenge of the Most Beautiful Wooden Ship Models on Market

We update this post aimed at showing the naval modeling kits for experts from Artesanía Latina with our latest and spectacular novelty: the Santísima Trinidad (22901). We are continually expanding the catalog of this level of difficulty to offer the greatest and most beautiful challenges. Small works of art designed for our modeler friends with the highest level of skills and abilities in this passionate hobby. For those who build most difficult wooden ship models.

If they are capable of assembling a naval scale model of this article, there is no doubt, they are master model makers. They have already surpassed levels of knowledge and skills in naval modeling such as initiation, intermediate and advanced. Below, all our naval miniatures so that the elite of this hobby can know them. We start, of course, with the recent incorporation of the Spanish ship of the line Santísima Trinidad.


It is our newest addition to our fleet of expert naval modeling kits. It has been with you since September 2023. And it is a… Absolute and gigantic beauty! We are talking about the wooden model of the Spanish Ship of the Line Santísima Trinidad Trafalgar 1805 Edition at 1:84 scale. It is the flagship of the Spanish Navy, the largest of its time, the largest weapon of war with 144 cannons of the 17th and 18th centuries. It is known as the ‘Escorial of the Seas’. She was one of the few four-decker ships of the line that existed. Unfortunately, her fate was fatal in the Battle of Trafalgar, so she sank.

Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina.

The naval modeling kit of the Spanish ship of the line Santísima Trinidad -read the model post here- it is incredible in terms of decoration details. Hundreds of high quality parts: 14 sheets of basswood plywood and 6 spectacular photo-etched sheets in brass with parts such as lanterns, railings or details of the cannons. Also, 10 packs of strips and rods, and American oak veneer. With the huge amount of 18 cotton sewn sails ready to be placed. As gifts, exhibition base for display and a set of 5 figurines.

For its assembly, you have a QR code that, when you scan it with your mobile, takes you to the product sheet, where you can download for free the instructions, which are completely redesigned: clarifying step-by-step photographs – more than 800 pages in digital format, not on paper -, in addition to 10 demonstration videos -click here to watch them- with some of the most important steps. Printed instructions not available. Once assembled, it measures 46.88” (1191 mm) length, 35.63” (905 mm) height and 18.26” (464 mm) width.

Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina. Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina. Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina. Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Santísima Trinidad (22901) by Artesanía Latina.


The second wooden ship model that we propose that expert modelers build… It is another fantastic novelty for this year 2021! The 1/72 scale model of one of the pink diamonds of naval modeling, built and launched in the 17th century by order of the French King Louis XIV. The majestic Gallic warship Soleil Royal is your new challenge. This famous ship of the line with 104 guns was born between 1668 and 1670 in Brest thanks to the engineer Laurent Hubac.

Interestingly, it remained unused in the port of that town for a long time. It sailed the seas again during the Nine Years’ War in 1688, already with 112 guns and 1,200 crewmen. Its role was essential as the flagship of the Escadre du Pont (Squadron of the West) and Admiral Tourville. Its baroque decoration is simply one of the most beautiful and spectacular of the time.

Naval modeling for experts. Wooden ship model French Warship Soleil Royal (22904).

The naval modeling kit for expert modelers with the Soleil Royal warship -read the model post here- is one of the most detailed ever. Hundreds of high precision laser cut plywood and solid wood parts are available. Also many castings in die-cast and photo-etched, not forgetting the magnificent cotton sails sewn by hand ready to be placed. It is a Premium model that also brings as a gift the stand for display and a set of 12 figurines. It contains our comprehensive step-by-step instructions, accompanied by highly accurate video tutorials. All on DVD format. Once assembled, the scale model measures 36.81” (935mm) long x 11.22” (285mm) wide x 34.44” (875mm) high.


The third wooden ship model that we show you is a novelty arriving in autumn 2022. The 1:84 scale model of the Spanish ship of the line Santa Ana is one of the most demanded ships for years by our client friends. It’s here! It is a true jewel of naval modeling for expert modelers, now presented on the limited edition Trafalgar 1805. It was fundamental, precisely, in the battle that bears the same name against the English, although it was launched at the end of the 18th century.

This marvelous vessel with three decks was part of a series of ships called Meregildos, the Santa Ana was the pioneer. It had 112 guns, although more were added later along with other weapons. It was one of the banners of the Spanish Armada, but it sank in Havana when trying to hide the French.

Naval Modeling for Experts: Spanish Ship of the Line Santa Ana Trafalgar Edition 1805 (22905-N) by Artesania Latina.

The Santa Ana -read the model post here- modeling kit box contains high-quality parts such as solid wood and precision laser-cut lime plywood, brass photo-etched sheet with parts such as the lanterns, railings or details of the cannons, sails with cotton fabric -ready to be placed-, cotton threads and, as a gift so that the model is perfectly exposed, as a work of art that it is, a base in wood with name metal plate. To assemble it, you need our step-by-step instructions on DVD format. Once it is built, Santa Ana measures 46.45” (1180 mm) length, 34.25” (870 mm) height and 18.11” (460 mm) width.


The fourth wooden model ship that we urge expert modelers to build… It’s new in 2021! The 1/65 scale model of a jewel of naval modeling created in the 17th century: the Swedish bronze warship with 64 guns called Vasa, which is part of the naval history of your country, Europe and the planet: it sank within a kilometer of being launched in 1628 after an economic outlay and use of enormous natural resources by King Gustav II, who wanted the ship to participate in the Thirty Years’ War. It was the most powerful of its time until the US Constitution frigate appeared.

Wooden ship model for expert modelers Swedish Warship Vasa (22902).

The Vasa Swedish warship modeling kit -read the model post here- is one of the most detailed in history on the market, it has a large number of sculptures on its stern and bow. The expert modeler will find a large set of decorative parts in die-cast and photo-etched and Premium quality wood pieces. Of course, hand-sewn sails ready to be placed, multimedia instructions in nine languages and… Two gifts included! A wooden base with a metal name plate and six figures that will give this naval jewel even more realism than it would have without them. Very detailed step-by-step instructions and video tutorials, all on DVD format.

Once it is built, the Vasa wooden ship model has these dimensions: Long 42.12” (1070 mm) x Wide 15.74” (400 mm) x High 34.25” (870 mm).


The fifth proposal that we make of a naval modeling for experts kit is the wooden model ship of the well-known British tea clipper Cutty Sark, at 1/84 scale. It was one of the fastest vessels during the 19th century on its many voyages to the East. The Cutty Sark was dedicated in the early days after its launch in 1869 to the tea race. He tried to unite China and London in the shortest time possible for eight ‘tea seasons’. Later, he took on another role, in this case on the wool trade from Australia. Later he assumed the transport of goods between Porto, Rio de Janeiro, New Orleans, Lisbon and the Portuguese colonies. It was operational until 1954, the year in which it was decided to exhibit as a museum ship.

Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Tea Clipper Cutty Sark (22800).

The British Cutty Sark Tea Clipper naval modeling kit for experts features high precision laser cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and fabric. For the assembly you can follow our complete step-by-step guide in 7 languages ​​and in full color, accompanied by the full-scale plans of the finished ship. All on DVD format. Once built, the model measures 40.62” (1032mm) long x 13.77” (350mm) wide x 24.56” (624mm) high.


The sixth alternative of naval modeling for experts is the wooden ship model of the 18th century British merchant vessel HMS Bounty, 1/48 scale model. This boat was the scene of one of the most famous riots in history. In 1787, the HMS Bounty left England for Tahiti to transport breadfruit trees to the Caribbean, encountering a great storm that forced them to change course, and to land and stay in Tahiti for several months. The crew got used to life with the natives and mingled with their women, until in 1789 they sailed again, but 24 days later they mutinied.

Naval Modeling for Experts. Wooden Ship Model Frigate HMS Bounty (22810).

Naval modeling kit for experts of the HMS Bounty merchant vessel composed of parts of high precision laser cut board. In addition, it has noble woods such as birch, brass, cast iron, fabric, cotton threads, hand-sewn candles ready to be placed … And most importantly! For the assembly of the scale model you will have our complete step-by-step instructions in four languages ​​in full color, accompanied by the real-scale drawings of the completed ship. All on DVD format. As a differential fact of this scale model, the HMS Bounty boat allows one of the hull bands to be left open to see its interior precisely. When the scale model is finished, it measures 35.58” (980mm) long x 13.97” (355mm) wide x 30.03” (763mm) high.


The seventh option for the expert modeler with a high level of knowledge and skills in building wooden model ships is the American frigate USS Constellation, a 1/85 scale model of the US Navy. He had to develop numerous and different activities during all the years in which he was on duty. The frigate was built at the end of the 18th century, specifically, in 1797 in Baltimore. It served to seize many ships, prevent the British from annexing the Hawaiian Islands in 1843, and for the United States to arrive in China for the first time a year earlier. From 1845 to 1849, he was in charge of transporting food to Ireland to fight the potato famine. In 1871 it would become a naval training ship. Today it is a beautiful museum ship that can be visited.

Naval modeling kit for expert modelers with a wooden ship model US Constellation Frigate (22850).

The ship model of the USS Constellation frigate features high precision laser cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and sewn cotton sails ready to be laid. Contains our comprehensive step-by-step instructions in five languages, accompanied by full-scale plans of the completed ship. All on DVD format. After building, the model measures 40.74” (1035mm) long x 12.99” (330mm) wide x 27.95” (710mm) high.


What is the eighth expert naval modeling kit we showcased? A legend in Spanish naval history, the 1/90 scale wooden model of the Spanish online ship with 74 cannons San Juan de Nepomuceno, from the 18th century. He was part of the Spanish Armada between 1766 and 1805. He was captured in Trafalgar by the British and transferred to Gibraltar, although he represents a beautiful demonstration of the heroism and bravery of the Iberians in the battle that took place on the coasts of the province of Cádiz.

Wooden ship model San Juan de Nepomuceno Onlie Warship (22860).

The model boat kit of the San Juan de Nepomuceno warship has parts of high precision laser cut board, noble woods, brass, cast iron and fabric. Contains our comprehensive step-by-step instructions in four languages, accompanied by full-scale plans of the completed ship. All on DVD format. Once assembled, the scale model measures 37.79” (960mm) length x 15.74” (400mm) width x 29.52” (750mm) height.

Posted in Ship Models

New Model Ship Kit: Assemble the Beautiful Dutch Fishing Boat Model Botter

It’s already at our warehouse! The new model ship kit with the beautiful Dutch fishing boat model Botter (22125) at 1:35 scale is now available. A faithful miniature replica of the best sellers from Artesania Latina, which our modelers have completely renovated in 2022. It has always been one of the most desired. This new model ship kit of Botter offers, among other novelties, an assembly experience… Much more enjoyable, precise and easy!

New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model (22125) by Artesanía Latina.

What a beautiful ship! Sorry, we couldn’t avoid it :). The new model ship kit is aimed at modellers with an intermediate level of skills. Once it is built, the revamped scale naval model measures 18.70” (475mm) length, 4.52” (115mm) width and 14.76” (375mm) height. Let’s learn more about the contents of the refurbished Botter.

New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model (22125) by Artesanía Latina.


Build the fabulous traditional Dutch fishing boat from the Marken Island (now peninsula). It must be said that the new model ship kit with the wooden model of the Botter has received a deep upgrade. It offers a type of assembly using false keel and frames that brings the assembly of the miniature closer to the construction of the real ship. But, in addition, Artesania Latina team has spent hours and hours so that the new Botter has an implemented assembly experience since its quality parts fit perfectly in this wonderful fishing ship.

New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina.

New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina. New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina. New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina. Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina.

As for the contents, this new ship model kit of the Dutch fishing boat has the following parts. First, its very good high-precision laser-cut board parts and hardwoods. Second, its details in brass and cast iron. Third, their hand-sewn cotton sails ready to be placed. We facilitate the construction of the model as much as possible. Finally, this new naval modeling kit includes as a bonus a beautiful wooden exhibition base to build with name plate.

New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina.

The level of details and finishes is simply spectacular, just look at the images below to verify that it is a… Perfect model! Materials of the highest quality, optimum arrangement of the ornamental elements… Fall in love when you see the Botter!

New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina. New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina.

For the assembly, you can follow our new and precise step-by-step guide on DVD for PC (Windows and Mac)… On video! Yes, yes, our modellers have recorded the entire construction process to accompany you while you do it. With professionalism, explanations and precision, you will enjoy the assembly very much. The kit does not contain printed instructions. In this sense, remember that you can also see the assembly videos on our YouTube channel.


Artesania Latina has now the Specific Acrylic Paints Sets. Water-based and quick-drying, they allow the modeller to achieve the best and most realistic finishes on their models. It was a wish of our modellers friends, so they don’t have to look for the colors. Then, paint your model of the Botter (22125) with its Specific Set of Acrylic Paints (277PACK20), for sale separately.

Specific Set of Acrylic Paints for Model Ship Botter (277PACK20) by Artesanía Latina.

In short, this renewed project from Artesania Latina modellers will provide our friends with great entertainment, a revised challenge and a end result that dazzles whoever sees it. It’s clear! The new model ship kit of Botter (22125)… You will love it, we can vouch for that.

New Ship Model Kit: Dutch Wooden Fishing Boat Model Botter (22125) by Artesanía Latina.Now, you can also purchase the Botter Gift Pack (22125L), which includes the model, its paints and some tools.

Botter Model Ship Gift Pack (22125L) by Artesanía Latina.

Posted in Ship Models

Paddle Steamer Model in Wood: New King of the Mississippi 1/80 Has Already Come to Life

One of the scale models most desired by Artesania Latina friends has returned in 2021 with a renewed appearance and many improvements. The new King of the Mississippi paddle steamer model in wood, 1/80 scale, is a jewel of naval modeling. Next, we are going to detail all the novelties that this fantastic and classic steamboat model incorporates.

Ship Model Building. Wooden Paddle Steamer Model Renewed King of the Mississippi 1/80 (20515).

The 3D redesign and assembly process has been painstakingly developed over months by Artesania Latina designers and modelers. In this way, the miniature replica of the King of the Mississippi can be built very pleasantly.

Ship Model Building. Wooden Paddle Steamer Model Renewed King of the Mississippi 1/80 (20515).


Among the improvements made, excellent step-by-step color instructions have been created, more elaborate than ever, in DVD format. The objective is that the assembly made by the modeler is enjoyable and precise. The construction process of this wooden paddle steamer model is explained in detail without any doubt. In this sense, 240 digital pages with hundreds and hundreds of photos accompanied by their explanatory captions support this fact.

We cannot forget the numerous online video-tutorials that the modeler can find on our official YouTube channel. They will also save you from any possible trouble. Artesania Latina professionals have made a great effort for the modeler to enjoy naval modeling.

On the other hand, this impressive modeling kit is designed to the millimeter so that the parts fit together perfectly. So, once it’s built, it will look the way it deserves. All parts of hardwoods such as birch and linden are cut by high precision laser. It contains 8 board sheets! The parts of this wooden paddle steamer model are fully assembled. They fit easily in their right, concrete place, thus avoiding headaches.


The King of the Mississippi paddle steamer model has also been extensively revamped in terms of photoe-etched parts. “This new scale model includes many more photo-etched parts, and much more detailed than the ones that belonged to the old model”, assures Artesania Latina designer, who adds that “windows, door windows, capitals, railings, decorative ribbon of the service chamber rof and stairs”. Contains 2 large photo-etched sheets (11.57” x 6.14” and 10.12” x 4.80”) with never seen before die-cast and brass decoration details.

We start with the windows, which were previously opaque die-cast, and the windows in the doors. “They all now have a more elaborate design, are very easy to assemble and allow light to pass into the different compartments through the transparent acetate”, underlines the professional.

We continue with the ribbon that adorns the ceiling of the service chamber, the exterior railings and the capitals. They have been made much more stylized than the previous ones. The contrast of colors of these parts in white with the colors, dyes and varnishes used on floors and walls of the rest of the ship is spectacular.


Finally, the new photo-etched stairs of this 1/80 scale model “have been very popular”, according to the modeling friends who have had the kit in their hands. Compared to the old ones, their design is now much more delicate and they are easier to assemble. “Putting special care in painting, gluing and building the photo-etched – which makes up the railings – with the steps and handrails, the result obtained is simply extraordinary”, exclaims the designer. As it stands on the prow of the new King of the Mississippi wooden paddle steamer model, it stands out to the first-time appreciator. It’s a great cover letter!


One of the pleasant surprises of this beautiful wooden paddle steamer model is the improvement that has been made so that it has light, shine with its own light. “Small supports have been added in different compartments so that the modeler who wishes can add LED lights and bring to life the scale model of the King of the Mississippi,” explains our 3D designer.

Ship Model Building. LED Lights in Wooden Paddle Steamer Model Renewed King of the Mississippi 1/80 (20515).

As an informative note, Artesania Latina has, for sale separately, a Set of LED Lights with switch and battery holder, which allows you to play with the effect generated by the fixed lights or the candle effect. It looks like this, impressive!

Ship Model Building. LED Lights of Wooden Paddle Steamer Model Renewed King of the Mississippi 1/80 (20515).


Other improvements applied to the new King of the Mississippi paddle steamer model made of wood are the funnels and the turbine. As for the former, the scale model has been designed so that if the modeler wants he can, on his own, make the funnels emit smoke. They are hollow.

Find an electronic smoke dispenser – not included in this modeling kit – and attach it to the steamboat model. As the service chamber is ‘detachable’, whenever it deems appropriate it will be able to access the interior of the cabin. There the bases of the funnels are housed to recharge the liquid tank that creates the smoke.

And what about the dazzling new mobile turbine, a dream come true! Our team greatly appreciated the ability to move the blades to recreate the motion of the turbine that pushes the real ship. Thought, planned and done. A system was devised that “allows a small engine to be attached to the stern wall and transmit power to the turbine by means of a rubber band and a pulley”, points out the model maker of the project.

Ship Model Building. Motor of Wooden Paddle Steamer Model Renewed King of the Mississippi 1/80 (20515).

The entire set of aft wall + turbine supports + turbine is practicable. The modeler can thus access the interior and make adjustments to the motor or the rubber band. Should the rubber wear out in the distant future, it could be changed even when the model is finished. The Motion Motor Set (27591) is available for separate sale.


Seeing that our King of the Mississippi paddle steamer model made of wood has movement in its blades, light in different compartments and smoke coming out of the funnels will leave you totally speechless. In addition, its large dimensions, once built, also help to do this: 25.98” (660 mm) length, 11.81” (300 mm) height and 5.11” (130 mm) width. The modeling kit includes adhesive fabric flags and pedestal with nameplate. Build this world naval benchmark at your own modeler workshop!

Ship Model Building. Wooden Paddle Steamer Model Renewed King of the Mississippi 1/80 (20515).

Discover this artwork of naval modeling in wood on the video under these words:

Buy the King of the Mississippi wooden paddle steamer model from home, click here.

Read the post about Figurines, Paintings, Finishes, Lights and Motor…

Posted in Ship Models

Naval Modeling for Beginners: Initiation Wooden Ship Models (II)

We continue with the article we left last week about naval modeling for beginners. In other words, we continue to show the large number of wooden ship models for beginners in the Artesania Latina catalog. In this way, the future modeler will know which models he wants to build.


What do we offer as a eighth proposal of a ship model for the new model makers that start on this hobby? The 1/20 scale model of the French Côte d’Azur fishing ship called the La Provençale. Once the model is finished, it is 12’’ (305 mm) length, 13.18” (335 mm) height and 3.93’’ (100 mm) width. With a typically Mediterranean line thanks to its two Latin sails, this boat used to be made with the remains of the wood used for the construction of larger fisheries.

The modeling kit of the French ship La Provençale contains a set of high-precision laser-cut board parts, a set of wooden strips and round dowels, and accessories in wood, brass and die-cast. It also has cotton sails cut and sewn by hand, cotton thread and an exhibition base to display the boat. Assembly it with our comprehensive step-by-step video guide on our Youtube channel, accompanied by full-scale drawings of the finished model and the parts list, both of which are printed. Does not contain printed instructions.

Naval Modeling for Beginners: Wooden Ship Model La Provençale (19017-N).


The ninth proposed wooden ship model for beginners modelers is the 1/25 scale model of the 19th century New England whaling ship called Providence, present in the fictional literary work Moby Dick. Just imagine the great difficulty and skill of whalers when hunting a whale in a small boat like this.

Its construction system is very similar to the real ship. The modeling kit of the scale ship model Providence consists of high precision laser-cut board parts, noble woods – American cherry tree-, brass, cast iron and hand-sewn cotton sails ready to be placed, as well as our complete step guide step-by-step in full colour on DVD format. Once the model is finished, it measures 12.20” (310 mm) length, 9.44” (240 mm) height and 3.07” (78 mm) width.

Naval Modeling for Beginners: Wooden Ship Model Providence (19018).


The tenth selection of a wooden ship model for the new modelers is Juan Sebastian Elcano’s lifeboat, Spanish Navy sailboat schooner and school ship. The 1/35 scale model, once finished, is 11.02’’ (280 mm) length, 3.54’’ (90 mm) height and 3.62’’ (92 mm) width. This boat was called thus by the Spanish explorer Juan Sebastian Elcano, captain of the expedition – after Fernando de Magallanes death -, who completed the first round the world in 1522. Launched in 1927 in Cadiz.

Juan Sebastian Elcano’s lifeboat ship modeling kit consists of laser-cut board parts, noble woods, brass and cast iron, as well as our complete step-by-step guide on DVD format.

Wooden Ship Model Lifeboat Juan Sebastian Elcano (19019).


The eleventh proposition? The wooden ship model, at scale 1/50, of the section of the Spanish galleon called San Francisco of the 16th and 17th centuries. Galleons were the most powerful ships of the time and backbone of the Spanish maritime power during the aforementioned era. They were perfect thanks to their fusion of great transport capacity and firepower, which made them ideal for long ocean crossings between Spain and the Indies.

Easy construction and resembling its real construction for its construction system using false keel and frames, the ship modeling kit of the section of the Spanish galleon San Francisco will allow to examine in depth the construction and structure of the ship, as well as all the detail of its three decks. The scale model features high precision laser-cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and fabric. It also includes a small support with metal plate. For assembly you can follow our complete step-by-step guide in full color on DVD format. Once the model is finished, it measures 4.72” (120 mm) length, 26.14” (664 mm) height and 12.28” (312 mm) width.

Wooden Ship Model Section of Galleon San Francisco (20403).


The twelfth wooden ship model for novice modelers we propose is the 1/50 scale model of the Swift, a beautiful 1805 Virginia (USA) pilot ship, which guided the large ships at the entrance and exit of the ports. This type of boat evolution, given its great operation, are the famous Baltimore Clippers.

The Swift modeling kit includes a DVD for a computer or laptop (PC or Mac) with step-by-step assembly guide, videos with tips and tricks, a 1/1 scale model scale, pre-laser-cut wooden parts, stitched sails included, pre-cut brass parts and base-stand included. Once the model is finished, it measures 24.48” (622 mm) length, 17.24” (438 mm) height and 4.72” (120 mm) width.

Naval Modeling for Beginners: Wooden Ship Model Swift (22110N).


We arrived at the 12 + 1 proposal of ship modeling for beginners! The 1/35 scale wooden ship model of the RMS Titanic’s lifeboat -one of the twenty-, so you can remember the majesty of the luxurious ship to which it belonged. The RMS Titanic had been projected to have thirty-two lifeboats, but when it was shipwrecked – April 15th, 1912 – it only carried two tens. Owned by the White Star Line company, it was the largest and most luxurious ocean liner of its time. During its maiden voyage between Southampton and New York it collided with an iceberg and sank in the icy waters off the coast of Newfoundland.

Easy to build – it has no rigging – it is a scale model suitable for novice modelers because, like almost all Artesania Latina models, it has a construction system using false keel and frames, which makes it resemble the real one. The RMS Titanic lifeboat modeling kit has the following elements: high-precision, high-quality laser pre-cut board parts; noble wood and veneers; high quality photo-etched brass parts; cotton threads; support-stand to expose the model once finished and step-by-step guide super detailed with numerous images on DVD format. Once the model is finished, it measures 11.22” (285 mm) length, 2.16” (55 mm) height and 3.74” (95 mm) width.

Naval Modeling for Beginners: Wooden Ship Model Lifeboat Titanic (19016).


The fourteenth proposal of naval modeling for beginners is a renewed model in 2021. The wooden and plastic ship model to build from Spanish training ship Juan Sebastian Elcano, at 1/250 scale. The naval modeling kit of the Juan Sebastian Elcano of the Spanish Navy is aimed at beginners modelers because its step-by-step guide is very complete and is presented in videos on DVD format, no printed instructions are included. In addition, it comes with the hull of the ship prefabricated in plastic, so its construction is less difficult. It is perfect for a first contact with this wonderful hobby.

The contents of the box of this faithful miniature naval replica, in addition to the hull, are parts of high precision laser cut board, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and sails. It also has new photo-etched details and includes the figurehead, the flag and the name plate to build the great sailing ship Esmeralda, which is a training ship exactly like the Elcano but from the Chilean Navy. Upon completion, the model measures 17.91” (455 mm) length, 10.03” (255 mm) height, and 4.33” (110 mm) width.

Ship Modeling for Beginners. New Wooden and Plastic Training Ship Model Juan Sebastian Elcano 1/250 (22260).


The penultimate proposal for naval modeling for beginners is the buildable wooden model ship of the French cutter Jolie Brise, at 1/50 scale. From pilot boat it was used as a fishing boat due to the appearance of boats with steam engines.

The Jolie Brise ship model building kit features high precision laser cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and fabric. Also, it has cotton sails cut and sewn by hand ready to be placed. Build it with our comprehensive, full-color, step-by-step guide on DVD, accompanied by drawings of the finished model. The kit does not contain printed instructions. Once it is finished, the model is 19.88” (505 mm) length, 20.27” (515 mm) height and 4.05” (103 mm) width.

Naval Modeling for Beginners: Wooden Fishing Ship Model Jolie Brise (22180).


The last model we propose of naval modeling for beginners is the model of the famous French ship La Cancalaise, at 1/50 scale. La Cancalaise is the fishing boat with the most sails in France and was launched on April 18, 1987. Its trees are simply very elegant.

La Cancalaise naval modeling kit is made of wood and has cotton sails ready to be placed. Step-by-step instructions on DVD, no printed instructions included. Once it is finished, the model is 25.59” (650 mm) length, 20.27” (515 mm) height and 3.93” (100 mm) width.

Naval Modeling for Beginners: Wooden Ship Model La Cancalaise (22190).MODEL SHIP KIT AMERICAN SCHOONER VIRGINIA (22115)

Now we present you a novelty for 2022! The renewed and precious model ship of the American schooner Virginia from the 19th century, at 1:41 scale. it has an improved and great building experience that will satisfy any modeller who builds it. This type of vessel was commissioned to monitor the US coastal borders due to its great speed and maneuverability.

The Virginia naval modeling kit contains parts that fit together perfectly: high-precision laser-cut pre-cut deck pieces, fine woods such as birch and sapele, sewn sails ready to be laid, cotton threads and brass parts, casting and photoengraving. Step-by-step instructions on DVD, no printed instructions included. When finished, the schooner model measures 21.25” (540mm) length, 4.72” (120mm) width and 19.68” (500mm) height.

Ship Model Kit: Virginia American Schooner (22115) from Artesania Latina.


The last presentation belongs to our most recent novelty, the model of the section of the English ship of the line HMS Victory, at 1/72 scale. As you build this museum-quality model, discover what life was like on board.

Wooden Model Section of Ship of the Line HMS Victory (20500) by Artesanía Latina.

The naval modeling kit of HMS Victory section contains high-precision laser-cut board parts, hardwoods, brass and cast iron. The cannons are die-cast and fully equipped. It also includes a small exhibition base with a nominative metal plate, the copper lining of the hull and, as another excellent bonus, 8 die-cast figures among which is that of Vice Admiral Nelson. Step-by-step guide entirely on video -very easy to follow- that you can watch for free at our Youtube channelclick here. Once completed, the ship of the line model measures 9.44” (240mm) length, 13.58” (345mm) height and 3.58” (91mm) width.

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Posted in Model Building Tips

Finishing Touch for Ship Model: Assembly Details (VI)

Once the hull and the rigging are built, it is the turn to give the finishing touch for the ship model made of wood, build and / or place the lifeboat or shallop – if the ship modeling kit brings it -, to paint and to put the anchors and flags -and the rest of the details that the box contains-.

The lifeboats that come assembled only need to be carved and filed the possible burrs, and be painted and put on the lifeboat, however, there are some kits that force the construction of the miniature, which will provide, for sure, more entertainment and a new challenge for the ship modeler.

When you have to build the lifeboat, make sure the frames are properly centered on the keel before gluing them. Cover the outer edges of the frames with masking tape. Place a strip inside the frames as a temporary crossbar to help keep them in place. Adjust the strips as you would like on any boat and use double hull cover, making sure that the second layer covers the mistakes you may have made in the first phase. Once the second cover is finished, remove the frames and sand inside of the lifeboat’s hull.

The anchors have undergone numerous modifications over the centuries. In the Artesania Latina modeling kits, the anchors are already manufactured, in the absence of sanding and painting.

At the beginning of time, the anchors were placed on the outside of the ship’s hull, tied with the chain to it. Later, the anchors were stored inside the hull.


Now we need to know how to achieve the perfect finishing touch for any ship model made of wood, for any naval modeling kit. Depending on the period and style of the ship model you are building, the modeler can either leave the model to scale with its natural wooden color or paint it. Also, you can take an intermediate action: leave the natural color above the waterline and paint the hull under it. Of course, avoid glossy finishes on the vintage boat models when varnishing.

Therefore, use matte acrylic varnishes. Apply a first layer, let it dry and sand gently with very fine sandpaper. Then, give another layer of varnish and sand again. As an alternative, you can use varnishes on an acrylic base already applied to obtain a darker shade and greater protection. Of course, in the most modern scale ship models you can use medium acrylic gloss and varnish.

Ship Modeling. Finishing Touch for Ship Model Made of Wood.

Ship Modeling. Finishing Touch for Ship Model Made of Wood.

If you decide to paint the ship miniature, prepare the wooden surface of the hull to achieve better results. Apply a layer of acrylic putty with a trowel in the areas that you appreciate that there are small holes or where you want to subsequently sand them until the area is smooth.

Ship Modeling. Finishing Touch for Ship Model Made of Wood.

Ship Modeling. Finishing Touch for Ship Model Made of Wood (Airbrushing).

This action will facilitate you an easy way to paint with the color you have chosen. Very important! Use acrylic and water-soluble paints, if you must use oil-based paints, only use them in metal parts and in very small areas.

Esta acción supondrá una gran facilidad a la hora de pintar con el color que haya elegido. ¡Muy importante! Utilice pinturas acrílicas y solubles en agua. We recommend painting with an airbrush or airbrush set. Eso sí, si debe usar pinturas con base de petróleo, solo empléelas en piezas de metal y en áreas muy reducidas.


The flags and banners are included in the Artesania Latina ship modeling kits, the modeler just has to take them out of the box and paste them into the ship model she / he is building.

It is only necessary to prepare the nominative metal plate of the ship model – if the kit brings it – and put the scale model on its base. A jewel of naval modeling that will brighten the sight of all those who see it at home or at work. With this post about the finishing touch for ship model made of wood and about the details for your naval scale model, we have finished the guide called How to Assembly a Wooden Ship Model. For any questions, you can consult our modelers here.

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Posted in Model Building Tips

Ship Model Rigging: Assembly of a Wooden Boat Model (V)

The assembly of a wooden ship model rigging, we mean, the sails and the strings that knock the ship into shape. If a modeler assembles the rigging of any type of ship, she/he can surely do it on whatever a sailboat, a vessel, a caravel, a galleon or an online ship with any kind of rigging.

From this moment, we explain what are the steps, in order, that any fan of naval modeling should take when she/he is building the aforementioned rigging of the scale model. The first step, fundamental for the grip of the rigging rope, is the installation of the pink-racks, the fairleads and the chain-wales.

Once these three elements have been placed, the modeler must proceed to pierce the pink-racks in order to implant the belaying pins in them. Of course, we recommend to paint them in the desired color before inserting them.

Next, place the dead eyes in the chain-wales for the wooden ship model rigging. These will hold the shroud, which is the tensioning cable that passes through the top so that the mast is straight, and the lanyard, which will keep the shroud in balance with tension.


The next step is the masts assembly. You should proceed to assemble all the wooden ship model masts – don´t forget the bowsprit – and put their respective tops.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: masts.

Later, start preparing the yards, the booms and the gaff rig mast.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: yards, booms and gaff rig mast.

Once they are all built, place the masts on the boat. Artesania Latina facilitates the work thanks to the holes through which to introduce the masts so that there is no doubt.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: positioning of the masts.

From now, we must begin to tie, balance and tighten the different masts. To do this, we start with the foremast and the main mast, tied with the stays from under the top to the bowsprit (almost horizontal spur that comes out of the bow), and with the mizzen mast, also with stays are up to the base of the main mast. Then, two stays come from the upper crosstree of the foremast and main mast, the first to the bowsprit and the second to the foremast.


The next assembly action of any naval modeling kit is the placement of the shrouds, for which, first, you must also build the dead eyes with their lanyards and their chain-plates, these ones are hooked to the hull. As a tip, we can recommend that they should be installed one by one, alternating them on each side of the ship model. If the modeler does not do it this way, the mast could lose its perfect vertical position.

Once this action is done, the modeler must assemble the strings of the so-called ratlines, the horizontal strings perpendicular to the shrouds. We recommend the use of two clamps, one on the left side and one on the right side of the shrouds group, in order to be able to accurately put the aforementioned ratlines.

It is the moment when the shrouds are installed, in this case the upper ones, and their corresponding ratlines.

Next, the jib-boom should be placed (if the wooden ship model had it) with its two strings so that it is completely fixed. Of course, all the rigging screws of the boat and the bowsprit standing rigging, as it has been done with the jib-boom.


At this point on the assembly process, the modeler would have finished all the so-called standing rigging, and now she/he would have to put all the running rigging with all its yards and sails. Then, the mizzen mast latin sail would be the first to be placed.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: latin sail.

It is the turn of the spritsail, which is located on the bowsprit.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: spritsail.

To give way, just later, to the stay sail and the fore top sail.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: stay sail and fore top sail.

Of course, it’s time for the main sail and the main top sail.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: main sail and main top sail.

The last step to finish the ship model rigging and, specifically, the running rigging is the installation of the bowlines on the bow, that is, the ends or moorings of the mentioned area. They were used in square sailboats to withstand the leeches of the bow sails when sailing towards windward.

You can consult all the rigging accessories for wooden model ships here.

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Posted in Model Building Tips

Ship Hull Construction: Assembly of a Wooden Boat Model (III)

Once the modeler who starts in the world of ship modeling has prepared the workshop and has supplied the necessary tools for modeling according to the skill level, the ship model lover can begin to know everything about the ship hull construction of the boat model thanks to this post.

On this way, the steps that will be undertaken to carry out this purpose are divided as follows. Firstly, we emphasize that it is necessary to check the contents of the modeling kit, so that the modeler becomes familiar with the shapes of the different parts. Also, as most of these kits, in this case ship modeling, have a list of parts, we recommend that you make sure that all parts are present. It is also convenient to see if it brings all the plans and instructions for its construction. (Artesania Latina modeling kits bring them on DVD format).

Naval modeling. Wooden Ship Model Captain Boat Santisima Trinidad (19014).


The next action would be the assembly of the keel. It is the fundamental area of ​​the ship’s model structure. It goes from the bow to the stern of the ship longitudinally on the exact center of the model, since everything will be built from this part.

Ship Hull Construction. Assembly of the Wooden Naval Model Keel.

Remember to take the drawings that show the hull assembly and hang them in front of you, at your workshop. On this way, you can quickly and clearly see how to assemble each part.

Ship Hull Construction. Plan for the Assembly of the Wooden Ship Model San Juan Nepomuceno (22860).

The next step would be to adjust the frames to the keel, although the modeler must first make sure that they are not broken. The good thing about Artesania Latina modeling kits is that you don’t have to file the frames before they are placed. They are ready to fit. Just do not paste them until you see that, once placed, all are perfectly.

Ship Hull Construction. Adjustment of the Frames on the Assembly of the Wooden Ship Model.


Afterwards, the modeler must check and fit the decks of the wooden ship model. This action has a great relevance since the decks will make the keel straight, and it help align the frames.

Small scale models, usually aimed at beginner modelers, only have one deck, thus facilitating the work of the novice. Never force the cover on the frames when assembling it, be very careful, or it will yield and damage the hull construction.

Fitting the Decks on the Assembly of the Wooden Ship Model.

As for the installation of the masts, Artesania Latina’s ship miniatures facilitate the assembly to the modelers, because they will only have to insert the masts through holes arranged for it on the deck and the keel. Speaking about other brands, you have to put some wooden blocks to hold the mâsts. But we will comment this later, although we show you below where they would be inserted.

Assembly of the Masts on a Wooden Ship Model.



It is time to assemble and fit the bow and stern parts – the stern reinforcement is not necessary on Artesania Latina’s boat models because it comes to ‘die’ at the end of the last frame-, which will provide a solid base to the wooden strips that will finally cover the hull. The parts provided must be symmetrical and follow the shape of the mentioned hull of the wooden ship model.

Placement of Bow and Stern Parts on the Wooden Ship Model Assembly.

Once you have seen the good disposition of the frames and that the decks are not bent or sunk, proceed to glue them, as well as the rest of the ship built, with cyanoacrylate for porous materials because you are working with wood. Once you have pasted everything, let it dry for at least twenty four hours. We will speak about more steps for ship hull construction on next post.

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