Posted in Ship Models

Model Ship Medium Skills (II): Más Kits de Modelismo Naval en Madera con Modelos Históricos para Ensamblar

We continue the breakdown of the catalog from the previous post. Get to know each wonderful medium skills model ship kit that you can build with your own hands. Artesanía Latina exists to fulfill all your modeling desires. Therefore, do not hesitate to also take a look at all the tools and accessories that can be helpfully to you.


The Mare Nostrum is a classic fishing boat from the Mediterranean Sea, from Arenys de Mar, Spain. With a length of 15 meters, a beam of 3.5 and a displacement of 10 tons, this boat was powered by a 40HP engine. The Mediterranean trawlers are all similar, presenting small variations depending on their place of origin. It is an intermediate level boat model, but due to its details it will delight anyone who builds it.

The naval modeling kit of the Mare Nostrum contains all the necessary parts to build the model. In addition, it is equipped with boxes for fish, cabins, a detailed engine, a winch for collecting the cable, and at the stern, protruding from the hull, a rigging with pulleys to pass it during towing. As a gift, bring the wooden base for display along with a nominative plaque. Once completed, the model measures 16.14” (410mm) length, 10.62” (270mm) height and 4.13” (105mm) width.

Model Ship Medium Skills. Trawler Mare Nostrum (20100N) by Artesanía Latina.


Our next model ship for medium skills modelers that we present to you is a steamboat. Built entirely of wood and equipped with boilers to move their iconic propulsion blades, this type of boat was the solution to transporting passengers and merchandise along the river until well into the 20th century. Steamboats played an important role in the development of the Mississippi River basin and its tributaries, allowing convenient transportation in both directions of the river. They helped reduce the immensity of America and as ‘theater ships’ they reduced the loneliness of this immensity. America is not just modernism: it is also romance and dreams!

The naval modeling kit of the King of the Mississippi includes all the necessary parts for its construction: parts of 8 sheets of high-precision laser-cut board, made of hardwoods such as birch and linden; and 2 large photo-etched sheets (294×156 mm and 257×122 mm) including many decoration details never seen before in die-cast and brass. Includes adhesive fabric flags and, as a bonus, the base with name plate.

Now, the model can come to life by purchasing two different sets of effects separately: Lighting Set for Models and DIY Projects (27590) and Motion Motor Set (27591) of the boat blades. Also, to make this faithful miniature replica come to life, you can add a figures set (20515F), sold separately. Once finished, the model measures 25.98” (660 mm) length, 7.55” (192 mm) heigth and 5.11” (130 mm) width.

Model Ship Medium Skills. Steamboat King of the Mississippi (20515) by Artesanía Latina.


Our third proposal for a mid-intermediate level boat model is La Niña, one of the three Spanish caravels used by Christopher Columbus on the first trip to the New World in 1492. Built in the shipyards of the Port of Moguer (Huelva, Andalusia) a few years before the trip, it became the captain ship of the expedition after the Santa María ran aground. And now it will delight the most demanding modellers. The expedition left the Port of Palos for the Canary Islands on August 3, 1492. On this scale, the lateen sail that we represent in this model was transformed into square sails. After discovering America, La Niña would return with Christopher Columbus on board, reaching Lisbon on March 4 and finally the port of Palos on March 15, 1493.

Its assembly system using a false keel and frames, like the vast majority of Artesanía Latina’s scale models of boats, brings its design closer to that of the real ship. The modeling kit contains all the necessary parts for its construction: high-precision laser-cut board, birch wood and veneers, various photo-etched brass parts, cast and hand-sewn sails ready to be placed. As a gift, it includes the wooden base for display. After assembly, the model measures 16.33” (415mm) length, 4.37” (111mm width) and 19.48” (495mm) height. On the other hand, it can provide the model of this and the rest of the caravels with more realism even with the Set of 10 Metal Figurines at scale 1 :65 crew members, ready to be assembled and painted, sold separately.

Model Ship Medium Skills. Caravel La Niña (22410) by Artesanía Latina.


The fourth proposal for a medium skills model ship is possibly the most important in history as it was the one in which Christopher Columbus was traveling when America was discovered at the end of the 15th century, specifically, in 1492. La Nao Santa María, incorrectly called ‘caravel’ because the other two smaller boats that accompanied it were, La Niña and La Pinta – although in the original documents all three were considered caravels – it was originally called La Gallega, whose owner was Juan de la Cosa.

This Santa María Caravel naval modeling kit contains all the necessary parts to build the model, and of the highest quality. High-quality light birch woods cut with precision thanks to the laser; magnificent details made of metal and photo-etched parts; unbeatable and reinforced sails with cotton fabric, ready to be placed – this model includes die-cut cardboard templates to be able to paint its characteristic crosses; and, as a gift so that the model is perfectly displayed, as a work of art that it is, a wooden pedestal with a nominative metal plate. After being built, its measurements are as follows: 19.80” (503mm) length, 10.39” (264mm) width and 19.60” (498mm) height.

Model Ship Medium Skills. Caravel Santa María (22411N) by Artesanía Latina.



The fifth option of model ship medium skills is the wooden kit of the caravel La Pinta. The fastest of the three caravels used by Christopher Columbus on the first voyage to the New World in 1492. Built in the shipyards of Palos de la Frontera (Huelva) a few years before the trip, it was the fastest of the three boats and often had to wait for the other two. The expedition with the three ships left the Port of Palos for the Canary Islands on August 3, 1492. The sails and rudder of La Pinta were repaired on this stopover, to finally depart for the New World on September 6. It was on October 12 when the famous cry of Rodrigo de Triana “Land in sight!” was heard from the La Pinta ship.

The naval modeling kit contains high-quality parts: high-precision laser-cut board; birch wood and veneer; numerous pieces in wood, metal and brass; pieces in high quality photo-etched brass; sails sewn by hand and prepared to be placed; cotton threads; full scale plan of the boat; and, as a gift, a wooden base to display the model once finished. Once its assembled, this faithful miniature replica measures 20.07” (510mm) length, 9.05” (230mm) width and 15.74” (400mm) height.

Wooden Caravel Model La Pinta (22412) by Artesanía Latina.


The sixth alternative for those who intend to assemble a medium skills model ship kit is the wooden brig HMS Supply from the 18th century. It was an essential part of the so-called ‘First Fleet’ or First Fleet of the Royal Navy that colonized and founded Australia . HMS Supply was their oldest, smallest and fastest ship. Built in 1759 as a 175-ton armed vessel, she became the colony’s only link to the outside world after the loss of HMS Sirius in 1790. HMS Supply, precisely, was intended to be aship support for HMS Sirius(1786).

The modeling kit of the scale model contains high-quality parts. 6 wooden plates cut by high precision laser, 2 photo-etched plates in brass with numerous details -one of them smaller-, set of birch wood parts -veneers, strips and round rods, oak veneer, fantastic set of 11 sails sewn from cotton ready to be placed, cotton threads for maneuvering in different colors and thicknesses and flags.

Likewise, it includes as a gift bonus a stand with a nominative metal plate, 7 die-cast figures and strong>copper lining for the helmet. To work with copper on the boat, we recommend our 5 mm Micro Riveting Tool (27320), for sale separately. Once built, this faithful miniature replica measures 23.11” (587 mm) length, 11.10” (282 mm) width and 26.65” (677 mm) height.

Model Ship Medium Skills. Brig HMS Supply (22420) by Artesanía Latina.


The seventh option for an intermediate level boat model is the Chinese junk Red Dragon. Still in use in many parts of Southeast Asia, these vessels were used for both trade and war. The beautiful reeds, typical of the China Sea, were all the rage among leaders of the time such as Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan, who used them to try to conquer Japan during the 13th century. Appearance of reeds is documented around 600 BC. The hull lacks a keel and has a short stern. Its sails are made of thick fabric reinforced with reeds, which provides it with a lot of stability and thrust. It was one of the most used vessels for piracy on the coasts of Southeast Asia.

The modeling kit contains high-quality parts: high-precision laser-cut board parts, hardwoods, brass, cast iron and fabric. Once built, the model measures 18.89” (480mm) length, 5.11” (130mm) width and 17.32” (440mm) height.

Wooden Chinese Junk Model Red Dragon (18020) by Artesanía Latina.


The eighth option is the intermediate level boat model galleon San Francisco II. The galleons were the ships more powerful of their time and backbone of Spanish maritime power during the 16th and 17th centuries. Galleons appeared around the middle of the 20th century. XVI, thus forming the main nucleus of the Invincible Army. For almost 150 years they were the ships par excellence thanks to their combination of great transport capacity and their firepower, which made them ideal for long voyages oceanic routes between Spain and the Indies.

The modeling kit contains more than 1,400 high-quality necessary parts for its construction. It comes with a laser-cut wooden structure, birch strips and sapele veneer, cotton threads, cotton fabric sails and flags ready to be placed, photo-etched decoration in brass to increase realism. And a spectacular free bonus on accessories! It includes a display base for the galleon with a metal nominative plate, and five wonderful figures also in metal to be painted. Once assembled, this faithful miniature replica measures 680 mm length, 240 mm width and 520 mm height.

Model Ship Medium Skills. Galleon San Francisco II (22452N) by Artesanía Latina.

Read the previous post here…

Posted in Finishing on Model Building

Paints for Model Ships (I): New Catalog of Specific Sets for Naval Modeling

For a long time our client friends asked us what paints and colors to use to paint their Artesania Latina naval scale models. That fact was a big annoyance for the modelers. We have solved the problem! We already have an extensive and varied catalog of specific sets of paints for model ships. Made of acrylic and water-based paints with an excellent quality, and most importantly, quick-drying. They can be applied both with airbrush -we recommend it- as with brush. The existing colors are presented in 20 ml jars.

Paints for Model Ships. Use with both Airbrush and Brush.

When you want to undertake new naval modeling, you can also purchase the precise model ship paints you need for those faithful miniature replicas. Goodbye to the headaches of having to check what the original colors were in official documents. You will not be forced to search the Internet for a page that faithfully reflects this data. Directly, in the same product sheet of the naval model that you are going to build, you will find the link that takes you to the specific paintings that your scale model requires. On the other hand, if you are on our website and go to the ‘Finishing’ section and its subsection Paints and Finishing Sets you will directly see all the paints for model ships that we offer. Below, we begin to break down what they all are so you can get to know them.


One of the most requested sets of paints for model ships from Artesania Latina. The one destined to paint the naval scale models of caravels and galleons (277PACK8) thanks to which the Spanish discovered America and undertook great deeds. It consists of 12 jars of acrylic water-based paints with the following colors. Off White, Off Black, Bright Red, Royal Blue, Buff, Cocoa Brown, Dark Red Leather, Burnt Umber, Gold, Vermilion, Navy Blue and Basic Skin. Get the best finishes for references 22410 (La Niña), 22411-N (Santa Maria), 22412 (La Pinta) and 22452-N (San Francisco Galleon).

Paints for Model Ships. Caravels and Galleons (277PACK8).

Wooden Caravels Models: La Niña (22410), La Santa María (22411-N) and La Pinta (22412).

Wooden Ship Model Galleon San Francisco II (22452-N).


The second set of paints for ship models is, in this case, the basic for fishing boats (277PACK13). It is one of the two packs aimed at painting this type of marine and river vessels. Perfect for optimal finishes in the naval miniature of the traditional trawler fishing boat of the Mediterranean Sea, Mare Nostrum (20100-N). Also for other similar scale models. The colors included in this set with 6 jars of acrylic and water-based paints are Off White, Off Black, Hull Red, Royal Blue, Aluminum and Gold.

Basic Paints for Model Ships. Fishing Boat (277PACK13). Mare Nostrum (20100-N) and many others.

Wooden Ship Model Fishing Boat Mare Nostrum (20100-N).


The third set of paints for ship models that we propose is the advanced for fishing boats (277PACK3). It is the other of the two packs that are used to paint this type of fishing boats. Ideal for excellent finishes in naval scale models of the tuna boat Carmen II (18030) and tuna boat Marina II (20506), both from the Cantabrian Sea, and also from the commented Mare Nostrum (20100-N), among many others. The colors included in this set with 12 jars of acrylic and water-based paints are Off White, Off Black, Hull Red, Royal Blue, Deep Yellow, Burnt Umber, Hull Green, Aluminium, Gold, Copper, Vermilion and Navy Blue.

Advanced Set of Paints for Model Ships: Fishing Boats (277PACK3).

Wooden Ship Model: Tuna Boat from Cantabrian Sea Carmen II (18030).

Wooden Ship Model: Tuna Boat from Cantabrian Sea Marina II (20506).


The fourth set of paints is the one used for the beautiful wooden scale model of the paddle steamer King of the Mississippi (277PACK6). Magnificent if you want the best finishes in the model of this American ship (20515). These colors are included in the pack of 6 bottles of acrylic and water paint. Off Black, Off White, Bright Red, Buff, Gold and Burnt Umber.

Paints fow Wooden Model Ship Paddle Steamer King of the Mississippi (277PACK6).

Wooden Model Ship New Paddle Steamer King of the Mississippi (20515).


One of the jewels of the naval modeling of ArtesanIa Latina is the French training ship Belem (22519). The good news is that we have a paints set (277PACK2) specific for this majestic wooden model. In order for your miniature naval replica to be a mirror of the original ship it must be faithfully painted. Including 5 bottles of acrylic and water-based paint, as well as one of Oak Tone Satin Stain. Colors: Off Black, Off White, Prussian Blue, Hull Red and Gold.

Paints for Model Ships: French Training Ship Belem (277PACK2).

French Training Model Ship Belem (22519).

Likewise, Artesania Latina offers an exclusive set of paints for French Navy ships (277PACK4) for Hermione La Fayette Frigate Wooden Ship Model Kit (22517-N). In case you have another model of the Gallic country that you haven’t painted yet because I didn’t know how or with what products. Paint with the 12 jars of acrylic and water-based paints. There are all these colors! Off White, Off Black, Bright Red, Prussian Blue, Royal Blue, Ice Yellow, Deep Yellow, Buff, Burnt Umber, Cocoa Brown, Vermilion and Gold.

Paints for Model Ships: French Royal Navy (277PACK4).

Wooden Model Ship Kit: Hermione La Fayette Frigate (22517-N).


The wooden model of the American pilot boat Swift (22110-N) also has its set of paints for sale separately. The good news is that we have a paint set (277PACK9) specific for this majestic wooden model. In order for your miniature naval replica to be a mirror of the original ship it must be faithfully painted. Paint with its 6 bottles of acrylic and water-based paints: Off White, Off Black, Hull Red, Burnt Umber, Hull Green and Gold.

Paints for Model Ships. American Schooners - Swift (277PACK9).

Wooden Ship Model American Schooner Swift (22110-N).


The wooden models of Royal Navy sips are lucky because they also have the precise set of paints (277PACK11) for these emblematic vessels. Among them, the HMS Victory. Paint your Anglo-Saxon scale model with its 12 jars of acrylic and water-based paints. Off White, Off Black, Bright Red, Royal Blue, Checker Yellow, Buff, Cocoa Brown, Burnt Umber, Gold, Vermilion, Navy Blue and Basic Skin.

Paints for Model Ships. Royal Navy (277PACK11).

You can paint your naval scale models with the confidence and safety that our high-quality products provide. Read the second part of this post, click here!

Posted in Modeling Tools & Accessories

Figures for Model Ships: New Crews and Passengers to Bring Your Naval Scale Models to Life

During the last months, Artesania Latina team has tried to provide our client friends with all the necessary products so that they can assemble, paint and decorate their scale model ships. In this sense, one of the primary objectives that we have set ourselves is to bring naval scale models to life, give them a human touch. And what better way to achieve this goal than with our sets of figures for model ships, with the crews and passengers of various ships. Made of high quality metal, the figures are presented in elegant packaging, and must be assembled and painted handly. Let the skill and art of the modeler come to the next stage at your workshop!

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: King of the Mississippi (20515F).

In this way, we have presented four new sets of figures for model ships with which the modeler can decorate different miniature naval replicas of Artesania Latina. Firstly, the 10 metal figures for Caravels and Galleons. Secondly, the one that contains 18 metal figures for the paddle steamer King of the Mississippi. Thirdly, the 14 figures with metal accessories for the British ship HMS Endeavour. And finally, the reinstatement of the set of 14 metal figures of the French Navy. Likewise, we cannot forget that we also offer modelers individual figures of 1.062” (27 mm) -captain, helmsman and sailor-.

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships (Various).


To achieve even greater realism in the models of caravels and galleons, don’t miss the set of 10 1/65 scale metal figurines (22411F). Bring in the crew members, ready to be assembled and painted. This includes the following characters and ranks, all of them involved in the great world historical deed of the Discovery of America. Christopher Columbus, Juan de la Cosa, Martín Alonso Pinzón, Vicente Yáñez Pinzón and Rodrigo de Triana. To which we must add 5 common sailors.Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: Caravels et Galleons (22411F).These figures for model ships can be placed on the following ArtesanIa Latina naval scale models, as well as others with similar dimensions. Figures measure 0.984” (25 mm) to 1.181” (30 mm). On the caravels La Niña (22410), La Pinta (22412) and La Santa Maria (22411N), as well as in the Galleon San Francisco (22452N) and in its Section (20403).

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: Caravels et Galleons (22411F).

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: Caravels et Galleons (22411F).

Discover with us all the details of this set of figurines by watching the video below.


The following set of figures for model ships that we have recently put on sale is the one aimed at the faithful naval replica of the paddle steamer King of the Mississippi (20515F). It contains 18 metal figures to assemble and paint at 1/80 scale for the renewed wooden model of the aforementioned North American vessel (20515). Also for naval miniatures that have similar measurements since the figures measure between 0.984” (25 mm) and 1.181” (30 mm). They are distributed in 14 characters, including the crew and passengers, and in 4 animals, with 2 horses and 2 cows.

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: King of the Mississippi (20515F).

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first steamship, called the Clermont, was launched. It ran along the Hudson River to go from New York to Albany. Also, it was the first ship to carry out a regular transport journey for the public. It was not the first, however, to use paddle wheels. That gift went to the ships that sailed the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Now you can humanize your scale model with this magnificent set of figures made of metal for King of the Mississippi model ship.

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: King of the Mississippi (20515F).

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: King of the Mississippi (20515F).

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: King of the Mississippi (20515F).


The latest news from ArtesanIa Latina in terms of figures for ship models is the set of 14 figures and 6 accessories for the British vessel HMS Endeavour (22520F). Made of high-quality metal, the human miniatures measure between 0.984” (25 mm) and 1.181” (30 mm). It has to be assembled and painted. James Cook and the rest of the crew can now step back on the deck of their ship. The set brings 14 characters for the scale model of HMS Endeavour (22520): Captain James Cook, 3 officers, 2 riflemen, 7 sailors and 1 cabin boy. And 6 accessories: 1 sextant, 2 spyglasses (one with a tripod), 1 flag and 2 rifles for soldiers.

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: HMS Endeavour (22520F).

HMS Endeavour and the voyages it undertook with Captain James Cook were instrumental in providing input in navigation, seamanship and geographic exploration. It made it possible to calculate the position in longitude with high precision by means of mathematical formulas. Launched in 1764 and chosen by the aforementioned sailor four years later to prepare for his historic voyage, HMS Endeavor was part of important discoveries such as that of Australia. Also, it facilitated the location of Tahiti, New Zealand and many islands in the Pacific Ocean. In addition to making known animal and plant species hitherto unknown in Europe.

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: HMS Endeavour (22520F).Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: HMS Endeavour (22520F).


This year 2021 that we have just left has also served to reissue the set of 14 metal figures of the French Navy (22517F). Figures measurements: between 0.984” (25 mm) and 1.181” (30 mm). They must be assembled and painted before being placed on the model ship. The set brings 7 sailors and 7 Officers.

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: French Navy (22517F).


How to assemble and glue all these figures for model ships? Easy, ArtesanIa Latina offers everything you need. On the one hand, to stick the figures nothing better than our Dense Cyanoacrylate and Cyano Accelerator Spray (27650).

Ship Model Building. Dense Cyanoacrylate and Cyano Accelerator Spray (27650).

In addition, to paint any of the figure sets, the modeler has two options. On the one hand, the Basic Paint Set (277PACK14). Bring six cans of paint of 20 ml each with these colors. Off White, Off Black, Royal Blue, Deep Yellow, Vermilion and Basic Skin.

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: Basic Paints Set (277PACK14).

On the other hand, the Advanced Paint Set (277PACK15). With twelve paint cans of 20 ml each with these colors. Off White, Off Black, Bright Red, Ice Yellow, Cocoa Brown, Dark Red Leather, Aluminum, Gold, Navy Blue, Bright Green, Basic Skin and Sunny Skin.

Ship Model Building. Figures for Model Ships: Advanced Paints Set (277PACK15).

We recommend you using one of our airbrushes or airbrush sets, as well as several of our wide assortment of brushes, to paint the figures. You can also use our specific set of 4 brushes for figurines (17120).

Catalog of Synthetic and Natural Hair Brushes made by Artesania Latina.

In short, you can now make your passion for naval modeling enormous thanks to the metal figures and their accessories. Essential for any self-respecting wooden model ship!

Posted in Model Building Tips

Finishing Touch for Ship Model: Assembly Details (VI)

Once the hull and the rigging are built, it is the turn to give the finishing touch for the ship model made of wood, build and / or place the lifeboat or shallop – if the ship modeling kit brings it -, to paint and to put the anchors and flags -and the rest of the details that the box contains-.

The lifeboats that come assembled only need to be carved and filed the possible burrs, and be painted and put on the lifeboat, however, there are some kits that force the construction of the miniature, which will provide, for sure, more entertainment and a new challenge for the ship modeler.

When you have to build the lifeboat, make sure the frames are properly centered on the keel before gluing them. Cover the outer edges of the frames with masking tape. Place a strip inside the frames as a temporary crossbar to help keep them in place. Adjust the strips as you would like on any boat and use double hull cover, making sure that the second layer covers the mistakes you may have made in the first phase. Once the second cover is finished, remove the frames and sand inside of the lifeboat’s hull.

The anchors have undergone numerous modifications over the centuries. In the Artesania Latina modeling kits, the anchors are already manufactured, in the absence of sanding and painting.

At the beginning of time, the anchors were placed on the outside of the ship’s hull, tied with the chain to it. Later, the anchors were stored inside the hull.


Now we need to know how to achieve the perfect finishing touch for any ship model made of wood, for any naval modeling kit. Depending on the period and style of the ship model you are building, the modeler can either leave the model to scale with its natural wooden color or paint it. Also, you can take an intermediate action: leave the natural color above the waterline and paint the hull under it. Of course, avoid glossy finishes on the vintage boat models when varnishing.

Therefore, use matte acrylic varnishes. Apply a first layer, let it dry and sand gently with very fine sandpaper. Then, give another layer of varnish and sand again. As an alternative, you can use varnishes on an acrylic base already applied to obtain a darker shade and greater protection. Of course, in the most modern scale ship models you can use medium acrylic gloss and varnish.

Ship Modeling. Finishing Touch for Ship Model Made of Wood.

Ship Modeling. Finishing Touch for Ship Model Made of Wood.

If you decide to paint the ship miniature, prepare the wooden surface of the hull to achieve better results. Apply a layer of acrylic putty with a trowel in the areas that you appreciate that there are small holes or where you want to subsequently sand them until the area is smooth.

Ship Modeling. Finishing Touch for Ship Model Made of Wood.

Ship Modeling. Finishing Touch for Ship Model Made of Wood (Airbrushing).

This action will facilitate you an easy way to paint with the color you have chosen. Very important! Use acrylic and water-soluble paints, if you must use oil-based paints, only use them in metal parts and in very small areas.

Esta acción supondrá una gran facilidad a la hora de pintar con el color que haya elegido. ¡Muy importante! Utilice pinturas acrílicas y solubles en agua. We recommend painting with an airbrush or airbrush set. Eso sí, si debe usar pinturas con base de petróleo, solo empléelas en piezas de metal y en áreas muy reducidas.


The flags and banners are included in the Artesania Latina ship modeling kits, the modeler just has to take them out of the box and paste them into the ship model she / he is building.

It is only necessary to prepare the nominative metal plate of the ship model – if the kit brings it – and put the scale model on its base. A jewel of naval modeling that will brighten the sight of all those who see it at home or at work. With this post about the finishing touch for ship model made of wood and about the details for your naval scale model, we have finished the guide called How to Assembly a Wooden Ship Model. For any questions, you can consult our modelers here.

Read the fifth part of the post…

Posted in Model Building Tips

Ship Model Rigging: Assembly of a Wooden Boat Model (V)

The assembly of a wooden ship model rigging, we mean, the sails and the strings that knock the ship into shape. If a modeler assembles the rigging of any type of ship, she/he can surely do it on whatever a sailboat, a vessel, a caravel, a galleon or an online ship with any kind of rigging.

From this moment, we explain what are the steps, in order, that any fan of naval modeling should take when she/he is building the aforementioned rigging of the scale model. The first step, fundamental for the grip of the rigging rope, is the installation of the pink-racks, the fairleads and the chain-wales.

Once these three elements have been placed, the modeler must proceed to pierce the pink-racks in order to implant the belaying pins in them. Of course, we recommend to paint them in the desired color before inserting them.

Next, place the dead eyes in the chain-wales for the wooden ship model rigging. These will hold the shroud, which is the tensioning cable that passes through the top so that the mast is straight, and the lanyard, which will keep the shroud in balance with tension.


The next step is the masts assembly. You should proceed to assemble all the wooden ship model masts – don´t forget the bowsprit – and put their respective tops.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: masts.

Later, start preparing the yards, the booms and the gaff rig mast.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: yards, booms and gaff rig mast.

Once they are all built, place the masts on the boat. Artesania Latina facilitates the work thanks to the holes through which to introduce the masts so that there is no doubt.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: positioning of the masts.

From now, we must begin to tie, balance and tighten the different masts. To do this, we start with the foremast and the main mast, tied with the stays from under the top to the bowsprit (almost horizontal spur that comes out of the bow), and with the mizzen mast, also with stays are up to the base of the main mast. Then, two stays come from the upper crosstree of the foremast and main mast, the first to the bowsprit and the second to the foremast.


The next assembly action of any naval modeling kit is the placement of the shrouds, for which, first, you must also build the dead eyes with their lanyards and their chain-plates, these ones are hooked to the hull. As a tip, we can recommend that they should be installed one by one, alternating them on each side of the ship model. If the modeler does not do it this way, the mast could lose its perfect vertical position.

Once this action is done, the modeler must assemble the strings of the so-called ratlines, the horizontal strings perpendicular to the shrouds. We recommend the use of two clamps, one on the left side and one on the right side of the shrouds group, in order to be able to accurately put the aforementioned ratlines.

It is the moment when the shrouds are installed, in this case the upper ones, and their corresponding ratlines.

Next, the jib-boom should be placed (if the wooden ship model had it) with its two strings so that it is completely fixed. Of course, all the rigging screws of the boat and the bowsprit standing rigging, as it has been done with the jib-boom.


At this point on the assembly process, the modeler would have finished all the so-called standing rigging, and now she/he would have to put all the running rigging with all its yards and sails. Then, the mizzen mast latin sail would be the first to be placed.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: latin sail.

It is the turn of the spritsail, which is located on the bowsprit.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: spritsail.

To give way, just later, to the stay sail and the fore top sail.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: stay sail and fore top sail.

Of course, it’s time for the main sail and the main top sail.

Assembly of a wooden ship model rigging: main sail and main top sail.

The last step to finish the ship model rigging and, specifically, the running rigging is the installation of the bowlines on the bow, that is, the ends or moorings of the mentioned area. They were used in square sailboats to withstand the leeches of the bow sails when sailing towards windward.

You can consult all the rigging accessories for wooden model ships here.

Read the sixth part of the post…

Read the fourth part of the post…

Posted in Ship Models

Belem Training Ship Model. 1:75 Faithful Wooden Replica of the French Boat

Artesania Latina’s modelers have created a spectacular wooden ship model. It is a faithful miniature wooden replica of the oldest three-masted sailing ship on the planet, which still sails the seas today: the Belem Training Ship Model at 1:75 scale.

The great French ship, destined to the learning of the new Gallic sailors, is beauty. It is also majesty and the history of world navigation. 125 years of history endorse it as a world nautical reference.

For just over a year, our model makers have put all their effort and knowledge into naval modeling so that the Belem training ship model from France is identical to the original boat. That is why the Belem Foundation has formally accredited the design and commercialization of the scale model of the French ship.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).


The level of detail work is astonishingly high on this 1/75 scale modeling kit. In this sense, the Belem wooden scale model is aimed at advanced level modelers, the one before the expert. The level of difficulty in its assembly and in the knowledge of the necessary tools for this is located at 3 of the 4 existing.

The objective of Artesania Latina with this fantastic wooden reproduction is that our faithful friends modellers from all over the world enjoy its construction. It has more than 1,300 pieces in wood and metal.

When the modeler finishes assembling the model kit for this boat, the wooden model measures 31.73” (806 mm) length, 10.07” (256 mm) width and 21.25” (540 mm) height. That is, it can preside over any room given its large size and beauty.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).


Among the contents, the presence of laser cut board to different thicknesses, slats and rods of birch wood, linden veneer, chemical cuttings in steel and in brass and cast parts stand out.

In addition, to emphasize the realism of the Belem training ship model, decals are included for the details of the hull such as the depth marks or the name of the ship itself. Also, cotton cloth sails identical to the originals and ready to be placed and cotton thread for the rigging.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).

To all this is added a very important gift for the exhibition of this naval scale model at home or in the office when the modeler finishes building it. The wooden base is essential.

One of the most impressive buildable parts of the Belem training ship model at 1/75 scale is its bow winch. The thirty parts you need to assemble is an accurate reflection of the level of detail in the design of the Gallic scale model.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).

Here you can see even more precisely the impressive winch of the Belem training ship model.

In this video you can see which are the components of the Belem naval modeling kit with greater precision.


But before exposing it, of course, you have to build the model of the Belem school ship. For this, the Artesania Latina‘s modelers have designed the best step-by-step instructions in color. With around 1,500 images and video tutorials in DVD format!

The DVD also includes a magnificent digital poster of the 1/1 scale model of the French ship.

Naval modeling. Belem Training Ship Model 1/75 Scale (22519).

We care about being up-to-date with digital times. At the same time, we preserve forests in these times when taking care of our planet has become a priority objective for Humanity.

The modeler can easily enlarge digital instructions on his computer or tablet, accurately view even the smallest detail. In this way, we combine modernity with tradition, helping and encouraging new generations of modelers to join this wonderful hobby.

The model maker has a specific set of paints and finishes to paint the boat. It is for sale separately and facilitates the painting of the Belem training ship model at 1/75 scale made of wood.

Ship modeling. Paints and Finishes for 1/75 scale Belem Training School Ship Model (22519).You can also purchase the Belem Gift Pack (22519L), which includes the model, its paints and some tools.

Gift Pack of French Training Ship Model Belem (22519) by Artesanía Latina.

Read the post about the history of Belem here…

Posted in Model Building Tips

Ship Hull Construction: Assembly of a Wooden Boat Model (III)

Once the modeler who starts in the world of ship modeling has prepared the workshop and has supplied the necessary tools for modeling according to the skill level, the ship model lover can begin to know everything about the ship hull construction of the boat model thanks to this post.

On this way, the steps that will be undertaken to carry out this purpose are divided as follows. Firstly, we emphasize that it is necessary to check the contents of the modeling kit, so that the modeler becomes familiar with the shapes of the different parts. Also, as most of these kits, in this case ship modeling, have a list of parts, we recommend that you make sure that all parts are present. It is also convenient to see if it brings all the plans and instructions for its construction. (Artesania Latina modeling kits bring them on DVD format).

Naval modeling. Wooden Ship Model Captain Boat Santisima Trinidad (19014).


The next action would be the assembly of the keel. It is the fundamental area of ​​the ship’s model structure. It goes from the bow to the stern of the ship longitudinally on the exact center of the model, since everything will be built from this part.

Ship Hull Construction. Assembly of the Wooden Naval Model Keel.

Remember to take the drawings that show the hull assembly and hang them in front of you, at your workshop. On this way, you can quickly and clearly see how to assemble each part.

Ship Hull Construction. Plan for the Assembly of the Wooden Ship Model San Juan Nepomuceno (22860).

The next step would be to adjust the frames to the keel, although the modeler must first make sure that they are not broken. The good thing about Artesania Latina modeling kits is that you don’t have to file the frames before they are placed. They are ready to fit. Just do not paste them until you see that, once placed, all are perfectly.

Ship Hull Construction. Adjustment of the Frames on the Assembly of the Wooden Ship Model.


Afterwards, the modeler must check and fit the decks of the wooden ship model. This action has a great relevance since the decks will make the keel straight, and it help align the frames.

Small scale models, usually aimed at beginner modelers, only have one deck, thus facilitating the work of the novice. Never force the cover on the frames when assembling it, be very careful, or it will yield and damage the hull construction.

Fitting the Decks on the Assembly of the Wooden Ship Model.

As for the installation of the masts, Artesania Latina’s ship miniatures facilitate the assembly to the modelers, because they will only have to insert the masts through holes arranged for it on the deck and the keel. Speaking about other brands, you have to put some wooden blocks to hold the mâsts. But we will comment this later, although we show you below where they would be inserted.

Assembly of the Masts on a Wooden Ship Model.



It is time to assemble and fit the bow and stern parts – the stern reinforcement is not necessary on Artesania Latina’s boat models because it comes to ‘die’ at the end of the last frame-, which will provide a solid base to the wooden strips that will finally cover the hull. The parts provided must be symmetrical and follow the shape of the mentioned hull of the wooden ship model.

Placement of Bow and Stern Parts on the Wooden Ship Model Assembly.

Once you have seen the good disposition of the frames and that the decks are not bent or sunk, proceed to glue them, as well as the rest of the ship built, with cyanoacrylate for porous materials because you are working with wood. Once you have pasted everything, let it dry for at least twenty four hours. We will speak about more steps for ship hull construction on next post.

Read the fourth part of the post…

Read the second part of the post…

Posted in Model Building Tips

Building a Ship Model Made of Wood (Part I): Choice of the Modeling Kit

The writing of this post is motivated to help new modelers. Building a ship model made of wood is what you will know, so we are going to introduce you on ship modeling. Of course, you can also clarify some concepts to modelers already initiated or provide other ideas that were still unknown. These two actions will be developed thanks to the fifty years of life and experience of the most important company in the world in naval modeling. Artesania Latina, present since 1970.Artesania Latina. More than 50 years building models.

A built scale ship model represents the effort and perseverance of a modeler to achieve the final result. It will take you many hours, you will encounter conflicting emotions, being positive when successes or negatives when some part of the assembly presents greater difficulties.

Ship Modeling. Wooden ship model of the Galleon San Francisco II 1/90 (22452N).

In this sense, the best modeling tool that you can use is not made of metal or plastic or wood. It will be the dedication that the modeler gives to the modeler, the passion and perseverance you put. Here we will show you how to build step-by-step a ship miniature. What tools to choose, how to organize and adapt a workshop, what ship modeling kit to choose. Everything so that in the end you spend more hours showing the final product created, this is, the ship model you have built, than assembling it.

Ship Modeling. Wooden ship model of the Galleon San Francisco II 1/90 (22452N).

Building a ship model made of wood should be shared with the family, involving their partners in the project, whether women or men. It also can be used for encouraging children to help in any aspect of this wonderful hobby. The modeler can thus keep alive the art of assembling ship models for another generation.

Children are also learning how to assemble a wooden model ship with junior kits.


The first thing that a future modeler must face – or one already with knowledge in naval modeling – is the choice of the ship model that you will built. How to choose the ideal kit and modeling tools for each of us? It is essential that you like a lot the ship scale model you choose, the decision must be based on your mood and the pleasure that you think it will report once the model is finished.

How to build a wooden model ship. Choose your modeling kit and tools wisely.

Of course, you should also ask yourself these questions. How much money do you want to spend? What experience do you have in naval modeling? Which workshop do you have or do you want to create? What types of ship attract you? How much time can you spend on your modeling workshop to assemble the miniature?

The modeler looks for a challenge, but not a huge frustration, so it is recommended that the beginner thinks about the simplest for your first assembly. We do not recommend very complicated scale models for those who intend to start on this hobby. Finally they will not finish building them, as can be the one in the image below, for advanced modelers.

Ship Modeling. Wooden ship model of San Juan Nepomuceno 1/90 (22860).


Therefore, we recommend simple, small and attractive ship models for beginners: a boat with a single deck, one or two masts and a rigging as simple as possible. Examples can be our model ships such as the Viking (19001-N), Swift (22110-N), Providence (19018), Elcano lifeboat (19019), Provençale (19017), the lifeboat of the Titanic (19016), the boat of the captain of the HMS Bounty (19004), the french doris Saint Malo (19010), the scallop fishing boat Bon Retour (19007) or captain’s boat of Santisima Trinidad (19014), among many other miniatures.

Catalog of Wooden Ship Models for Beginners.

You can consult the complete catalog of naval scale models for beginner modelers here. For intermediate scale models, the following in terms of required skills, here.

As for the cost, no ship model for beginners should not cost more than € 100.00. Thus, Artesania Latina has the best offer in the market regarding to the quality / price ratio, with initiation models starting at € 59.99, a more than reasonable price, for example, for the scale model of the Captain’s Boat of HMS Endeavour (19005).

Ship Modeling. Wooden ship model of Captain's Boat HMS Endeavour 1/50 (19005).


What should you look for, then, in a naval modeling kit? Logically, you may not even be a scholar in the matter, but you don´t need it to choose a good one. Just check the quality of its contents once you have the box in your hands and that all the kit parts from the parts list are there.

If any part is missing, such as the Artesania Latina kits have a two-year warranty. Our warehouse will be immediately replenished once the purchase ticket has been submitted without any extra cost or shipping. Our parts are high quality, made of birch or lime wood, of stainless steel photo-etched and of die-cast.

Ship Modeling. Wooden ship model of Viking 1/75 (19001N).

The next thing to pay attention to when you are purchasing a naval modeling kit is to check how the plans and instructions are. The plans include all the drawings you need to assemble the naval model and the numerical correspondence so you can read the texts. On this aspect, the degree of precision and quality of these ones will mark the joy or impotence of the novice modeler.

Instructions for the Belem wooden model ship 1/75 (22519).

The instructions explain the plans drawing, they are the textual clarifications or icons and keys of those drawings. They are numbered in relation to those plans. You can also find model ships that have an illustrated and clarifier step-by-step. On Artesania Latina web you can free download the plans and the instructions on each product file are the attached files, in case you want to check how they are.


Speaking of the different hull types of the ship models, you will find three different. Firstly, the one piece solids – they don´t need to be built, the beginner does not acquire experience in the assembly of the hull-. Secondly, those that have a structure of frames to assemble and we must put the wooden strips on that structure from a pre-cut laser board – most of those manufactured by Artesania Latina, the one that provides the most knowledge and the most real-. Finally, those that, on the structure, are placed large parts to build the hull.

Read the second part of the post…

Posted in Model Building

Love of Modeling (I) Is All over the World thanks to Our Models

Everyone says that things made or created with love have its own soul. The love for detail leads to more beautiful and optimal results. Also, the love that is shared makes the subject learn more and better about life. The private or public exposure of love produces happiness and satisfaction. In conclusion, the love crosses and demolishes borders. All these forms of love happen on ship modeling and aircraft modeling. Yes, that’s right, with the hobby of building wooden ship models and scale models of fighters -airplanes- made of wood, metal and plastic. And worldwide! That is love of modeling!

Our Love for Modeling is distributed with UPS in all countries.

Thanks to the work, commitment and enthusiasm of Artesania Latina, the best brand on this sector since 1970, modeling in general transcends Spanish national limits to reach every cardinal point on the planet.

Our Love for Modeling is distributed with UPS in all countries.


How is that? Our modeling friends surely intuit the answer, although those people who still do not know this hand-made art or are learning from this noble entertainment may not. We explain it: thanks to these “traced” miniatures of ships and airplanes, the modeler puts his soul into building a artwork from scratch. Pay meticulous attention to detail so that the placement of the piece is perfect, it is in harmony. Consult and share theoretical and practical knowledges with other modeling enthusiasts. She/He exhibits her/his ship model or finished aircraft model at some room of the home or office, or in a modeling meeting, a fact that brings great pride. Finally, now more than ever, modeling is a worldwide hobby.

Naval modeling. Wooden Model Ship Kit: Sultan Arab Dhow 1/85 (22165).

This motivating passion for naval modeling and aircraft modeling, we meet all kinds of people regardless of race, age or social status. All of them are looking for a living space to use: they want to build the scale model they need to see finished and exposed.

Aircraft modeling. Sopwith Camel 1/16 Metal and Wood Model Kit (20351)


We are very lucky to have friends modelers from four of the five continents – we have not yet arrived in Antarctica J- Throughout the planet, Artesania Latina has loyal customers of its products, due to its high quality standards and its adjusted price on all their excellent wooden ship models and on their impressive aircraft models from the catalog.

Naval modeling. Wooden Model French Ship Belem 1/75 (22519).

If you don’t know it yet, Artesania Latina sends its fantastic products to everyone on the globe with the help of the great UPS transport service. The firm collaboration that we have established jointly demonstrates the effectiveness and regularity in the delivery of orders. The best of all is that the shipping costs have been reduced so the designers of all the countries of the world can enjoy the ship modeling and the aircraft modeling, the construction of miniatures with their own hands.

Our Love for Modeling is distributed with UPS in all countries.

If you want to know the shipping costs to your country, you just need to click here. Live the love of modeling now!

Read the second part of the post…

Posted in Modeling Tools & Accessories

Realism for Ship Models thanks to the Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (II)

We continue to report on the set of 10 figures for ship models: caravels and galleons where we had left it. In this sense, we will finish explaining which are the characters that you can find in this Artesania Latina kit.

Ship Modeling Accessories. Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (22411F).

  • Martín Alonso Pinzón (1441-1493) and Vicente Yáñez Pinzón (1462-1515). These Spanish sailing brothers were also shipbuilders and explorers. They sailed with Christopher Columbus to the New World in 1492, Martín as captain of La Pinta and Vicente as captain of La Niña.
  • Rodrigo de Triana (1469-Unknown). He is believed to have been the first European to see America since Leif Ericson.
  • 5 Sailors. Columbus and his captains, obviously, could hardly have accomplished such a feat without the help of their sailors. It is estimated that in such a great endeavor to find new sea routes through the West to the East Indies, between 90 and 120 sailors were needed.

Ship Modeling Accessories. Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (22411F).

The Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons 1/65 has been made with the die-cast technique and with the highest quality standards. This consists of using a die casting method.

Ship Modeling Accessories. Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (22411F).

As an adhesive to stick the figures with fast drying, we recommend our Thick Instant Glue (Cyanoacrylate) Pack 50 gr. & Accelerator Spray 200 ml, which will facilitate assembly for the ship modeler.

Accessories for Modeling. Pack Thick Instant Glue 50 gr. and Spray Activator.


Artesania Latina ship modeling friends already have the highly requested set of figures for Spanish caravels and galleons, also useful for other ship models with a similar scale and from a similar era.

Ship Modeling. Spanish caravels and galleons models.

For more information and/or to order caravels and galleons, click here.

Ship Modeling Accessories. Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (22411F).

For more information and/or to order this necessary naval modeling accessory, the set of 10 metal figures for caravels and galleons, click here. Indispensable to give life to model ships.

Here below you can watch a video showing the contents of the set of figurines:


Paint the figurines with one of the two sets of acrylic and water-based paints made by Artesania Latina, already on sale separately: Basic Paints Set for Figurines or Advanced Paints Set for Figurines. Use the Specific Set of 4 Synthetic Brushes for Figurines and small parts (17120), also sold separately.

Do you want to know how to paint the figurines that will decorate your model ship? Take a look at the two video tutorials made by our team of modelers.