Posted in Model Building

Love of Modeling (I) Is All over the World thanks to Our Models

Everyone says that things made or created with love have its own soul. The love for detail leads to more beautiful and optimal results. Also, the love that is shared makes the subject learn more and better about life. The private or public exposure of love produces happiness and satisfaction. In conclusion, the love crosses and demolishes borders. All these forms of love happen on ship modeling and aircraft modeling. Yes, that’s right, with the hobby of building wooden ship models and scale models of fighters -airplanes- made of wood, metal and plastic. And worldwide! That is love of modeling!

Our Love for Modeling is distributed with UPS in all countries.

Thanks to the work, commitment and enthusiasm of Artesania Latina, the best brand on this sector since 1970, modeling in general transcends Spanish national limits to reach every cardinal point on the planet.

Our Love for Modeling is distributed with UPS in all countries.


How is that? Our modeling friends surely intuit the answer, although those people who still do not know this hand-made art or are learning from this noble entertainment may not. We explain it: thanks to these “traced” miniatures of ships and airplanes, the modeler puts his soul into building a artwork from scratch. Pay meticulous attention to detail so that the placement of the piece is perfect, it is in harmony. Consult and share theoretical and practical knowledges with other modeling enthusiasts. She/He exhibits her/his ship model or finished aircraft model at some room of the home or office, or in a modeling meeting, a fact that brings great pride. Finally, now more than ever, modeling is a worldwide hobby.

Naval modeling. Wooden Model Ship Kit: Sultan Arab Dhow 1/85 (22165).

This motivating passion for naval modeling and aircraft modeling, we meet all kinds of people regardless of race, age or social status. All of them are looking for a living space to use: they want to build the scale model they need to see finished and exposed.

Aircraft modeling. Sopwith Camel 1/16 Metal and Wood Model Kit (20351)


We are very lucky to have friends modelers from four of the five continents – we have not yet arrived in Antarctica J- Throughout the planet, Artesania Latina has loyal customers of its products, due to its high quality standards and its adjusted price on all their excellent wooden ship models and on their impressive aircraft models from the catalog.

Naval modeling. Wooden Model French Ship Belem 1/75 (22519).

If you don’t know it yet, Artesania Latina sends its fantastic products to everyone on the globe with the help of the great UPS transport service. The firm collaboration that we have established jointly demonstrates the effectiveness and regularity in the delivery of orders. The best of all is that the shipping costs have been reduced so the designers of all the countries of the world can enjoy the ship modeling and the aircraft modeling, the construction of miniatures with their own hands.

Our Love for Modeling is distributed with UPS in all countries.

If you want to know the shipping costs to your country, you just need to click here. Live the love of modeling now!

Read the second part of the post…

Posted in Naval & Aviation History

Swedish Ship Model Vasa 1/65 (II): History of the Unlucky Warship

wLearn about the history of Vasa ship in this post and build the spectacular wooden model of this Swedish warship at 1/65 scale. The Vasa was the flagship of the Swedish crown and empire. Or pretended to be. This is so because a kilometer and a half of being launched at the port of Stockholm, in August 10th 1628, it sank due to its instability.

History of Vasa Ship. Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.


How did such a great vessel sink in its first voyage? The history of Vasa ship is curious. The Vasa carried a lot of cargo, and not being well stowed so, after a strong gust of wind, it moved to the other side of the warship, thus worsening the capsizing of Swedish naval history benchmark.

Everything happened, according to some investigations, by the impatience of King Gustavus II because of the delays, as it was possible to verify, nobody contradicted him and the ship was launched with the known result.

History of Vasa Ship. Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.

Other studies assert that the Vasa was designed as a smaller ship than it was after, mainly because of the incorporation of a second battery of cannons, already begun its construction. It seems that, for example, the embrasures were too close to the water, so the entry of the sea to the ship was more feasible; the ship was too tall in relation to its beam; and its center of gravity, therefore, was very high.

Once launched in port of Stockholm, the water began to enter through the embrasures of the cannons lower line. Fifteen minutes later the boat was already at the bottom of the sea. Not because of a strong gust of wind, because there was only a small breeze, but really because of the bad design of the Vasa ship.


To boost its naval artillery, the aforementioned monarch ordered the Vasa to be built with 64 bronze cannons arranged in three different bridges. The upper one, the high battery and the low battery. In addition to endowing it with a great power to move 1,200 tons.

Real image of the Swedish ship, exhibited in the Vasa Museum in Stockholm.

This great vessel was built along with three others by order of King Gustavus II. He wanted to have some more advanced war resources on the Thirty Years War against Poland. A large one more, like Vasa size, called Tre Kronor -Three Crowns- and two more of smaller size.

History of Vasa Ship. Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.

Now, the most expert modelers can assemble the most faithful historical replica in the market thanks to the Vasa modeling kit, designed and manufactured by Artesania Latina.

More info about Vasa warship modeling kit, click here.

History of Vasa Ship. Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.

More info about the history of this vessel, click here.


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Posted in Ship Models

Swedish Ship Model Vasa 1/65 (I): The Most Powerful Warship in 17th Century

After an arduous work of ship modeling for a year and a half, Artesania Latina is pleased to present you its brand new and magnificent Swedish wooden ship model. The Vasa warship model at 1/65 scale, aimed at the most expert modelers who want new challenges. A marvel in terms of detail and difficulty!

Ship Modeling. Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.

Scandinavian warship model Vasa is a great test to check modelers skills. Our partners have spent eight hours a day for twelve months for its assembly. The modeling kit requires patience and meticulousness in detail.

It is a perfect replica of the original ship, which is now in the museum called Vasa in Stockholm (Sweden). Thanks to the Vasa wooden ship model 1/65 the modeler will have entertainment for a long time. You will always be helped by very clarifying step-by-step photographic instructions written in nine languages. Do you want a great challenge? This is yours.

Among the most notable features of the Vasa, of this great Swedish sailboat, was its enormous power. It had to move 1,200 tons of weight and a sail area of ​​1,150 square meters and 80 tons. A fact that is reflected in our scale model due to its large dimensions: 42’’ length, 34’’ height and 40’’ width.

Ship Modeling. Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.


What about its decoration! More than a meter of beauty with around 100 sculptures made in die-cast between its stern and, somewhat less, its prow, which provide a colorful rarely seen on ship modeling.

Ship Modeling. Fantastic decoration on Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.

Also, full of meaning, the carvings are divided into five themes. They representing King Gustavo II and his lackeys, lions holding the shield, human faces with different emotions on their faces, angels, sirens and sea creatures and mythological. Moreover, when it was built, it had 700 more than today. It had heroes of the Bible, Roman emperors and Greek gods.

Ship Modeling. Fantastic decoration on Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.

Vasa model ship may preside over any room in which it is placed, providing it with a touch of classical elegance.

But it is not the only thing that the ship modeling kit of the Swedish vessel brings in die-cast, the 64 cannons of port and starboard are also made of this metallic material.


If it seems the Vasa warship model has not enough decoration, our kit will surprise you because it brings a complete photo-etched that includes details for the bow, stairs to the deck, doors and embrasures, and hinges for both the rudder as for the frames of the embrasures.

Of course, we have to highlight the Premium quality of all the woods with which you can build the Vasa 1628 scale model 1/65 and the hand-sewn sails ready to be placed.

Ship Modeling. Cotton sails included on Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65.

Finally, This fabulous modeling kit of the Swedish warship called Vasa brings two gifts that are not usually included in all scale models. On the one hand, a wooden base with a nominal metal plate to expose the ship model. On the other, six metal figures that will give more realism to this naval model.

Ship Modeling. Swedish Wooden Warship Model Vasa 1/65 includes free figures..

Here below you can watch two videos showing the scale model and the contents of the modeling kit:

Read second part of the post…

Posted in Modeling Tools & Accessories

Realism for Ship Models thanks to the Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (II)

We continue to report on the set of 10 figures for ship models: caravels and galleons where we had left it. In this sense, we will finish explaining which are the characters that you can find in this Artesania Latina kit.

Ship Modeling Accessories. Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (22411F).

  • Martín Alonso Pinzón (1441-1493) and Vicente Yáñez Pinzón (1462-1515). These Spanish sailing brothers were also shipbuilders and explorers. They sailed with Christopher Columbus to the New World in 1492, Martín as captain of La Pinta and Vicente as captain of La Niña.
  • Rodrigo de Triana (1469-Unknown). He is believed to have been the first European to see America since Leif Ericson.
  • 5 Sailors. Columbus and his captains, obviously, could hardly have accomplished such a feat without the help of their sailors. It is estimated that in such a great endeavor to find new sea routes through the West to the East Indies, between 90 and 120 sailors were needed.

Ship Modeling Accessories. Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (22411F).

The Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons 1/65 has been made with the die-cast technique and with the highest quality standards. This consists of using a die casting method.

Ship Modeling Accessories. Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (22411F).

As an adhesive to stick the figures with fast drying, we recommend our Thick Instant Glue (Cyanoacrylate) Pack 50 gr. & Accelerator Spray 200 ml, which will facilitate assembly for the ship modeler.

Accessories for Modeling. Pack Thick Instant Glue 50 gr. and Spray Activator.


Artesania Latina ship modeling friends already have the highly requested set of figures for Spanish caravels and galleons, also useful for other ship models with a similar scale and from a similar era.

Ship Modeling. Spanish caravels and galleons models.

For more information and/or to order caravels and galleons, click here.

Ship Modeling Accessories. Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons (22411F).

For more information and/or to order this necessary naval modeling accessory, the set of 10 metal figures for caravels and galleons, click here. Indispensable to give life to model ships.

Here below you can watch a video showing the contents of the set of figurines:


Paint the figurines with one of the two sets of acrylic and water-based paints made by Artesania Latina, already on sale separately: Basic Paints Set for Figurines or Advanced Paints Set for Figurines. Use the Specific Set of 4 Synthetic Brushes for Figurines and small parts (17120), also sold separately.

Do you want to know how to paint the figurines that will decorate your model ship? Take a look at the two video tutorials made by our team of modelers.

Posted in Ship Models

Renewed Santa Maria Caravel Model: More Details, Consistency and Lightness (II)

The previous post announced one of the magnificent novelties on Artesanía Latina stock. The renewed Santa Maria Ship Model at 1/65 scale. We now continue with our modelers explanation about how the design and construction process of this fantastic naval replica has been. We also talk about the great improvements in the decoration of the same, keep reading!

In relation to this, an inconvenience that was present in the old model of this replica and that produced headaches to our model friends has been solved. “The mainmast of the ship has been made deeper to improve its grip. The deck hole where the mast was did not fit completely, a defect that was already completely corrected”, says.

Renewed scale model in wood Santa Maria Caravel.

Our team adds the following: “We have modified the mainmast platform by implementing its design with photo-etched. All the platforms have been divided into several parts for the enjoyment of the modeler during the assembly and to provide greater realism to the model”.


During the redesigning process in 3D of Santa Maria Ship Model, after the advice of the modelers, several improvements have been made regarding the decoration and details of this model.

One of the first measures adopted was the inclusion of a lifeboat that could be built with frames and hull lining in wood. We suppressed the precedent that was made of die-cast in one part”, explains Artesania Latina team. They also add that “this way, the modeler’s experience with the ship miniature is more satisfying and fun. In addition to the fact that in the 15th century there was no type of boat made of metal”.

Renewed scale model in wood Santa Maria Caravel.

Another improved detail is the introduction of supports for the barrels and more realistic cannons -with their bullets-. On the new version of the famous ship they have been divided into two parts. “The gun carriage is made of wood while the cane, in metal”, concrete our professionals.

Likewise, the colors of the rubbing strikes, the handrails, the stern window doors and the shields, among other accessories, have also been changed to provide a beautiful decorative touch to the boat that sailed the Atlantic more than five centuries ago.

Naval modeling accessories. Metal figurines for caravels and galleons (22411F).


The final result of all the undertaken work for more than a year by our designers and modelers is a faithful reproduction of the original Santa Maria Caravel Model: each element is reproduced in its original material (cannons, sails, rigging …) to achieve a classic boat, but with finishes chords to 2020, which will delight our modeling friends, the followers of the world reference brand on naval modeling: Artesania Latina.

You can get more realism for your ship models ordering the Set of 10 Metal Figures for Caravels and Galleons, which is offered separately from the model.

Ship Modeling. The three wooden caravel models of the Discovery of America.

For more information about Caravel Model of Santa Maria, please click here.

Renewed scale model in wood Santa Maria Caravel (22411-N).

Here below you can watch two videos showing the scale model and the contents of the modeling kit:

Read the first part of the post…

Posted in Ship Models

Renewed Santa Maria Caravel Model: More Details, Consistency and Lightness (I)

Extraordinary news! Artesania Latina’s 3D designers and modelers have already developed and finished the renovation project of the Santa Maria Caravel wooden model – it is called nao really – at 1/65 scale. One of the five most important ships in world history.

Renovated scale model in wood Santa Maria Caravel.

Ship modeling and fans of this beautiful hobby will be happy when they build this faithful replica. Santa Maria ship scale model has required the latest techniques in design and manufacturing, in addition to having the highest quality materials.

Renovated scale model in wood Santa Maria Caravel.


The modeling kit of this classic ship commanded by Christopher Columbus during the voyage through which he discovered America at the end of the 15th century. Firstly, it contains precious parts of clear birch wood, cut with precision thanks to the laser and fabulous details made of metal and photo-etched. Secondly, it also has sails with reinforced cotton fabric of higher quality, ready to be placed – this model includes cardboard templates to paint the crosses-. Finally, as a gift that was not in the previous version of the caravel, a magnificent wooden base with a nominal metal plate for its exhibition.

Renewed scale model in wood Santa Maria Caravel.

Once the building process is finished, the measures of Santa Maria Caravel wooden model are the following: 19.80’’ length, 10.39’’ width and 19.60 height. To achieve that point easily, the instructions have been redesigned completely on DVD. Now the ship modeler can look at a simple step-by-step with a large number of detailed photos. So the assembly of each thread, each block and each rigging is perfectly explained without cumbersome texts full of technical words, not understandable by everyone. No more old instructions for this caravel model!

Renewed scale model in wood Santa Maria Caravel.

But … What steps have been taken to improve this wonderful ship model?


Artesania Latina’s 3D designers and modelers have made numerous improvements on the Santa Maria Caravel wooden model. Precisely, the most remarkable is the ship structure reform “to give it more consistency and lightness, we had to create many new parts”, says Artesania Latina team.

Renewed scale model in wood Santa Maria Caravel.

One of the modelers states that “we have redesigned the false keel, the frames and the decks of the ship. It is one of the biggest novelties not having to use nails to be able to build them, they are only used in some details”.

Precisely, speaking about the decks of the Santa Maria Caravel renewed wooden model, the 3D designer emphasizes that “the system of tabs of the frames has been improved, implanting a greater number of these to implement it, because it did not cover 100% all the parts in the previous version, it was necessary to facilitate, for example, the fitting of its ends and for a perfect alignment without leaving any more loose part”.

Read the second part of the post…

Posted in Aircraft Models

Messerschmitt BF 109G Fighter Model: Aircraft Modeling Revolution (I)

After working two years, our professional 3D designers and modelers of Artesania Latina are proud to present you a new landmark on aircraft modeling. This model is a revolution in every way. It’s made of metal – stainless steel – and photoetched of the Luftwaffe legend. The German fighter Messerschmitt BF 109G model is your next choice.

Build this great German plane 1/16 scale.

The BF 109G 1/16 scale model is a fully reliable replica of the original aircraft aimed at advanced modelers. It is a fighter model that will surprise the fans thanks to its majesty and robustness. It weighs 3.5 lb and measures 22.24’’ length, 24.40’’ width and 8.07 height.

A beauty on aircraft modeling: build the BF 109G

During the spring of 2018, Artesania Latina team decided that the model of the German airplane Messerschmitt BF 109G would be the next project of one of the most important modeling companies in the world since 1970. The fighter of the Luftwaffe was the chosen one so that our friends had a new and exciting modeling challenge to face.

Messerschmitt BF 109G German fighter model 1/16 scale.


The 3D design project of the great Messerschmitt BF 109G model is made of metal and photoetched. It has been developed with impeccable results by our highly qualified on industrial design experts.

Maquette avion de chasse allemand Messerschmitt BF 109G.

Firstly, they have shaped the different parts of the plane with 3D design software. Secondly, the parts have been printed using the latest technologies, adapted and modified for correct assembly.

BF 109G German fighter model is aimed at experts modelers.

After this exhaustive test / error labor until everything fits perfectly, one of our designers clarifies this issue. “We have not had problems designing the structure of the plane as soon as the parts have been printed everything has fit completely. However, yes on the tail because it was turned. In conclusion, we have decided to redesign it again before sending it to factory for its production, being now totally fixed”, explains the expert.

Here below you can watch two videos showing the scale model and the contents of the modeling kit:

Read the second part of this post.

Posted in Model Building

Ship Modeling & Model Aircrafts. The Legacy of Building Wooden Models

Modelers have realized how children and parents hobbies have changed during the last two decades after the arrival of new technologies. Many of them and their younger relatives have decided to keep alive as a legacy one of the most beneficial and comforting hobbies. Ship modeling and model aircrafts are the perfect choice. Building wooden model ships, aircrafts, trains and other vehicles like the Stage Coach 1848 from the Wild & Far West you will enjoy a lot.

Ship modeling. Wooden Ship Model Swedish Vasa 1/65
It’s a hundred-year-old entertainment that brings health and satisfaction to modelers –and some good headaches to solve-. You can always find time to take a break and park on the fabulous worlds of ship modeling and aircrafts.

This balance occurs when a wooden model ship like the Viking is built. Firstly, because it is a renewed classic scale model aimed at the beginner friends of Artesania Latina for its great appeal – a boat present on famous tv series from that population -. Secondly, due to its reedited assembly instructions with video tutorials on DVD. In conclusion, construction games and use of digital devices come together in a perfect fusion because the modeler builds handly and watches the guide on the computer. In other words, tradition and modernity at the same time.

Ship Modeling. Wooden Ship Model Viking 1/75


The children and grandchildren of modelers come to a moment in their lives that they want to continue the modeling hobby of their parents and ancestors. That’s because this way let to feel them closer when they still live with us, by continuously sharing gossip about this hobby. It also happens when they have left them, because they are remembered and they are more present in our world. They are carrying on with this beautiful legacy deposited in their hearts by naval modeling, by aircraft modeling or by railway modeling, among others.

Artesania Latina encourages all its friends to share multimedia contents of the models on social networks. You can also do it on those of our firm (Facebook, Instagram and Youtube). Continue requesting instructions, plans or missing or broken parts for their elderly parents or for yourself. Request us what you need if you want to finish an scale model, unfinished by your parents.


Construction toys, present of course in modeling in the form of scale models, are ideal for improving the health and psyche of old and young people. Physically, their assembly increases motor skills and coordination in the hands and fingers because the modeler must be skillful and precise in the placement of the piece and must manipulate many parts that are even very tiny. Some studies also claim that vision improves because the model maker discards different shades of the same color.

In the psychological field, it gives us relaxation, serenity and concentration by having to work a lot with detail. It is, in short, an unbeatable barrier against Alzheimer illness. It develops cognitive skills that facilitate analysis, comprehension, understanding the space in which one the modeler works, reading and mathematics.

The logical reasoning is enriched as the model maker has to build an exact copy of a wooden ship model or a wooden and metal airplane model. You must plan in advance the assembly phases of the scale model and determine what order to carry them out: logically, to place the masts, first you have to build the ship’s hull, or to install the cabin you have to finish the aircraft structure before. What about the great self-esteem that is gained when, after a great effort and passion, the replica is finished for exhibition.

In short, all these benefits are a good excuse for the little ones to enter in modeling world. It is a hobby that is passed from generation to generation as part of oldest modelers genetics, who wish it survives thanks to their descendants.Ship modeling. Wooden Ship Model Arab Dhow Sultan 1/85


Artesania Latina instills a passion for building scale models also to the youngest with its Art&Kids collection, aimed at children over 8 years old. These modeling kits of wooden vehicles include water-based paints, glue suitable for use by minors, a brush and stickers. Easy to assemble, these models for children are the perfect reason for parents and their girls and boys to spend personal moments together.

It is the best time for the legacy of the hobby to be impregnated in children when their brains are still developing. Firstly, they have fun playing while they are building models. Secondly, the practice of modeling can remain in their lives. it will be of great use for the health knowing all the positive things that this hobby offers.

The Art&Kids Collection catalog, focused on children from 8 years old, has the following wooden models for construction: classic ships such as the Pirate, the Viking called Drakkar, the Egyptian Cleopatra and the Roman Galley Ave Caesar; fighter airplanes such as the Sopwith Camel biplane and the Fokker Dr. I triplane, both from World War I; and four-wheelers such as the well-known Surfer’s Van.Art&Kids Collection. Wooden Models for Children +8

For those over 14 years old who want to get started in ship modeling, we recommend any of the scale models in the section ‘Models: Initiation’. All of these modelers will progress on their building knowledge and on their skills with modeling tools and accessories so beginners will be able to assemble models with greater difficulty bit by bit: intermediate level, advanced level and elite level.

Ship modeling. Wooden Ship Model New Santa Maria Caravel 1/65


In conclusion, the legacy of model building -ship modeling and aircrafts- continues due to the families. More young people are resting from the intensive use of new technologies to join this wonderful hobby. Artesania Latina will always be there to provide you the best scale models on the market with reasonable prices. Of course, we have a safe delivery at your homes thanks to our collaboration with the UPS courier service. We are also present in many establishments dedicated to modeling and construction games all over the planet. Let’s build wooden models! Ship modeling and aircraft modeling are happiness for your life!Aircrafts. Metal & Plastic Fighter Model Messerschmitt BF109G 1/16

Posted in Aircraft Models

Sopwith Camel 1/16 Aircraft Model: Jewel of Modeling Creation

One of the most beautiful models of the market is already on sale on the web and at your usual modeling shop. The model of the British biplane of World War I and the most famous in the history, Sopwith Camel. Its scale is 1/16, this wonderful aircraft model Sopwith Camel has been created after a process of just over a year. Our 3D designers and our experienced modellers have participated.Aircraft Model Sopwith Camel 1/16.

If you want to know a little bit more how we got to the final result of this artwork of aerial modeling, it is interesting that you read the curiosities of the whole process from the beginning.

Back in the summer of 2017, the management of the company, 3D designers and modelers decide that the Royal Flying Corps plane is the next jewel of the aircraft modeling that is made available to our demanding clientele, we mean, our dear friends.

Aircraft Model Sopwith Camel 1/16.


One of our 3D design professionals takes the baton to proceed with the creation of the model digitally. To do this, we divide the process into two clear stages:


First phase, during the first two months, in which is dedicated to modeling the shape of the different pieces on 3D in detail. In this way, little by little she is creating in her computer and with specialized software each of the parts on an organized way. That means if she starts to design the tail of the plane, until that part ends, she does not start with another.

Second phase, in which this design is adapted and modified to the assembly process. Once different related pieces are finished, it prints them in 3D or cuts according to the material in order to be able to verify the right assembly.



Imagen 4.png

The priority of Artesanía Latina is always to try to achieve the greatest comfort of our model friends when it comes to assembling the scale model. If any part does not fit properly, the 3D designer makes the appropriate modifications until the correct adjustment of the element.


In order to physically check the digitally created parts, our offices have the latest generation of machines. On the one hand, the laser cutter, which took a total of about 1 hour to cut all the pieces of wood. On the other, a 3D printer with which the resin (plastic) is printed. Already at our factory, we have the necessary machinery to manufacture die cast and photo-etched parts. So, finally, we have three manufacturing means for this jewel of model building.

Imagen 2

Of course, all the rectifications that have to be made on the aircraft model Sopwith Camel original design are carried out so that when the final design is sent to the factory, the product will go out optimally.

The work of 3D design for modeling is arduous, logically, and you have to be prepared for it. What means the process that has pleased our designer has been the creation of the wings of the scale model.Thanks to the size of them, you can see the inclination of these perfectly so the wings are beautiful. The length of the wings makes a great contrast with the body of the plane”, she says.

Imagen 9


The biggest difficulty that has been encountered during the design process of this luxury modeling kit has been “to organize the large eight-centimeter engine of the airplane. Create it with its various parts so that it could be introduced in the model once it is finished. There are numerous parts that are placed on the same axis to be one of the last steps during its construction”. So, finally, “to facilitate – she continues – the assembly of the engine we have decided to divide it in two”.

Screen Shot 2018-10-17 at 15.29.22

Anecdotally, she tells us smiling that “the shape of one of the cylinders of the engine is very similar to the face of an owl”. So when you have our Sopwith Camel modeling kit at home, check it out for a smile.

The last step of the design is to send one of our expert modellers all the parts so that you start to verify that they fit each other.

Imagen 33


As we said before, the samples of the parts, once the 3D design of the aircraft model Sopwith Camel is finished, are taken by one of our modellers. He starts to assemble the model to the smallest detail. If the result is positive, it is sent to our factory.

Aircraft Model Sopwith Camel 1/16.

Once created, the factory returns them to our modeller as if they were a final customer. Target? Let our professional rebuild the scale model as if it were one of you. If there is a small detail that is not well prepared, that element is designed and sent to the factory with the modification made. The goal is there is no problem when you are building it.

For our beloved modeller who has assembled the Sopwith Camel 1/16 aircraft model, the most positive of his experience has been “the detailing of the interiors. The seat and the control panel are very well achieved. The engine, a true reflection of what was on the original plane, and like the machine guns, which are also very realistic”.

Imagen 6


As a recommendation for all the modellers, ours suggests that, for the assembly of the wings, “the instructions of the modeling kit should be followed faithfully in order to avoid later inconveniences. Until the wings are completed with all the suspenders and reinforcements, they are weak”.

Imagen 7

In this way, our qualified professional urges the modellers to “the space of the work table is wide and free of obstacles. Then, you can manipulate the wings without colliding with another element that could spoil them, a fact that nobody wants”.

Our modeler considers that, as such, he must do an empathy job to put himself in the shoes of one of you while he is assembling the model. According to him, speaking of him as a professional and thinking of our client friends, “we should not let ourselves be carried away by the level that I hold in terms of modeling knowledge. We are guided according to their needs and expertise”.

Aircraft Model Sopwith Camel 1/16.

In conclusion, and as he says, “if you follow the advice and instructions, your experience will be satisfactory and you will not have an equal model in your showcase, it is an artwork”.

Aircraft Model Sopwith Camel 1/16.

Find out all about the aircraft model Sopwith Camel here.

Posted in Aircraft Models

Our Fokker Dr. I and Sopwith Camel models, at the VIII Contest of Static Modeling ‘Ciudad de Leganés’

Artesania Latina has recently attended another great event for the model building family, in this case in Spain. We have presented the luxury scale models Fokker Dr I and Sopwith Camel 1/16. Why? That’s because our perennial interest to know and present the novelties of the modeling market, so we could not be absent from the VIII Contest of Static Modeling ‘Ciudad de Leganés’. It was celebrated on March 16th, 17th and 18th at the Pabellón Deportivo Europa of this city in Madrid.

Modeling Contest. Poster of VIII Concurso de Modelismo Estático 'Ciudad de Leganés'.

The event, organized by the Modeling Association Model34 from Madrid, has had an extraordinary participation of modelers and model lovers.

Aircfraft Modeling. Wooden and metal models Fokker Dr. I and Sopwith Camel 1/16.

On the first floor of the pavilion, we have seen medieval historical re-enactments on scale and demonstrations to teach how to paint ship models, planes models and many more miniatures. We also have learned how to achieve oxides in vehicles, weathering in special ships and which are the best complements for dioramas. All the people have enjoy the fantastic presentations of experts on model building or a jury of the contest of the highest level. One of those members has been one of Artesania Latina modelers.

Children's modeling. Wooden models for children Fokker Dr. I and Sopwith Camel airplanes.ior

As a curiosity, the commemorative figure of the VIII Contest of Static Modeling ‘Ciudad de Leganés’ has been a well-known one for the Spaniards: the 1960 Legionnaire of Western Sahara.



On the other hand, Artesania Latina has taken advantage of such a great opportunity with so many model friends to make known two of their most recent and beautiful creations: the triplane Fokker Dr.I, Red Baron’s plane; and the biplane of the Allied Forces Sopwith Camel. Both models are made wood and metal.

Aircfraft Modeling. Wooden and metal models Fokker Dr. I and Sopwith Camel 1/16.

The great acceptance of these Fokker Dr I and Sopwith Camel models there has made clear the enormous work done by Artesania Latina’s modelers.


Finally, the three days during the event has developed has served, above all, for model and miniature lovers to meet and share all their experiences. They have spoken a lot about the construction of models. What a beautiful hobby we enjoy!